How Blessed I am!

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I came back to the Catholic Church after a long absence and I can’t believe how beautifull my journey has been.
things that I had taken for granted, have now opened my eyes in a new way, and have embrace my faith like never before.
The Mass, Confession, Eucharist, Kneeling before Jesus our Lord, Sanctus Bells, The Rosary, a treasure box of Saints, the smell of incense, Sanctus Bells…the list goes on.
I am so blessed to be a Catholic finding my way back home…
has anyone else had a overwhelming expierence comming back to the Church?
Very much so. It is truly a gift from God to see the Church through the eyes of faith. A faith I have claimed for my own, not just “handed down” from my parents. The more I study the Bible, the Catechism, the Church Fathers and especially history the more in love with the Church I become. Welcome back! :bounce:
I came back to the Catholic Church after a long absence and I can’t believe how beautifull my journey has been.
things that I had taken for granted, have now opened my eyes in a new way, and have embrace my faith like never before.
The Mass, Confession, Eucharist, Kneeling before Jesus our Lord, Sanctus Bells, The Rosary, a treasure box of Saints, the smell of incense, Sanctus Bells…the list goes on.
I am so blessed to be a Catholic finding my way back home…
has anyone else had a overwhelming expierence comming back to the Church?
God bless you kayla, welcome back to the fold.
When I came back to the Church, I went to Confession for the first time in over 12 years. When I stepped out to perform my penance, I wept with joy.
This is a blessing indeed! I never fell away from the church, but have a new found love of the church and Christ. We have been blessed.

That is when you just want to shout, “GOD IS GREAT!”
This is a blessing indeed! I never fell away from the church, but have a new found love of the church and Christ. We have been blessed.

That is when you just want to shout, “GOD IS GREAT!”
Dearest Jrabs

Every post that I have found that you have written is beautiful. Your lovely kind heart shows in every post and indeed you are blessed, it shows.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

While I never left the church physically, my heart and soul were gone for years. Only over the past six years have I been learning about the beauty of our faith and traditions and the Truth that is only found in the Catholic Church!

It is sometimes so overwhelming and there are times that I cry during mass at the beauty and awe of the miracle that happens before our eyes!

My struggle is not to be too judgmental of others who have not yet come to appreciate the faith, because it was not so long ago that I, too, walked in those shoes. So I try to remember to pray more often for those who are lukewarm, those who have fallen away, and those who have never heard the truth of the Church.

Especially during this Year of the Eucharist, I am praying that many will return and new members will be welcomed home! Join me in this prayer, won’t you?
Hi Didi,
i understand you…I felt the same way as you…empty inside but longing for something to happen.
I came back through some personal changes and searching. I finally found what I was looking for, the same Catholic faith I was baptized and confirmed with.
It’s amazing how the Holy Spirit will guide you if you ask!
I cry too at Mass, usually during the Agnus Dei…my heart jumps right into my throat:o
I will pray with you also, for all those that have fallen away will find their way back to the true Chruch of Jesus.
Amazing timing to see this thread today. Thank you Kayla for starting it.

I’m a revert coming back to the faith only about 1.5 years ago now. Life was spiraling out of control for me and of course this was effecting my family, negatively, as well. From the absence of faith comes an abundance of pride. And as C.S.Lewis taught me so well, this pride that creating the Hell which was my life.

When I initally came back to the faith I was overcome with horror over the realization that I totally ignored my daughter’s religious life. I went further then to simply ignore it I mocked the religious life that my wife attempted to instill in them (of which now I am eternally grateful to her) as well as making fun of those “holy-moly” church goes, who had nothing better to do with thier time on Sundays then go to church.

I cannot p(name removed by moderator)oint the moment I finally began to let the Holy Spirit in. I don’t think it was any particual moment I believe it was His relentless efforts that over time finally penetrated the thick coating of pride that dictated my life.

My daughters religious experience was in a number of proptestant churches and quite intermittent. There was never talk of God or Faith at home. Going to church was rapidly becoming a thing of the past for them as they entered young adulthood. For me of course it was not even a consideration. Only something to mock.

I questioned the validity of prayer. Yet I found myself on my knees literally begging the Holy Spirit to assist me (or better yet, I him) in somehow attempting to rememdy the years I wasted. I fond myself crushed and filled with guilt believing I contributed to the potential eternal outcome of my daughters in the most horrific and negative of ways. All of life’s other problems paled in comparison.

Picture this true scenario. My daughters would come home often on Friday nights and I’d be waiting up for them. They’d see me sitting in front of the TV watching the Howard Stern show laughing like a 13 year old. Following my awakening to the Truth, they’d come home and see me nearly in tears watching Mother Angelica on EWTN. Initially I got a few wise cracks that I so deserved. “Dad’s watching God stuff again”. I knew it was now my duty to humbly accept this and attempt to build on it.

After the initial mocking I received (and so rightfully deserved and anticipated); beyond my wildest dreams the Holy Spirit answered my prayers. As it turns out, the Holy Spirit was already working in my daughters and was just waiting for an opportunity to be unleashed.

I say this thread is “amazing timing” because last night was my wifes 4th RCIA class. Last year my 17 year old daughter got confirmed into the faith. As we speak my older daughter of 20 is taking RCIA classes at her University. This coming Easter Vigil my wife and daughter should be confirmed.

My prayers were answered, in full.
Hi Mijoy2,
Thanks for sharing your story, I really enjoyed it!
Howard Stern to Mother Angelica??:rotfl:
It’s just amazing how the Holy Spirit can move us…unless someone has not been touched in such a way, it would be hard to explain.
I too have been in RCIA class, so that I can brush up on my faith…it’s a good refresher for me.
I’m also reading and I strongly reccomend this book to anyone who wants to deepen their faith at Mass.
the Lamb’s Supper- the Mass as Heaven on Earth by Scott Hahn
Love it, Love it, Love it.!
God Bless, kayla
Hi Kayla:

Just as Didi, I never really left the church either, but my heart and soul were gone too! I went through the motions, because I didn’t want my dd to be a heathen if she didn’t get some good in her life. Thank God for that! This past year has been one of the hardest and one of the most rewarding I’ve ever had. I hit rock bottom with blended family issues, my 2nd marriage on the brink of failure, and alcohol addiction. I didn’t have anywhere to turn. For years I had prayed for God to take away my addiction, but it wasn’t until I put God first in my life that changed it all. I was “delivered from evil”. I use this phrase because I didn’t go through the twelve steps, just turned my life over to God. After surrending to God’s will, I realized that I was indeed working through the 12 steps unknowingly. God is good, God is great, God will prevail! When times get tough, I sometimes still question things, but realize that if I keep the faith I will get through the tough times. And you know what, I’ve been blessed too!

P.S. You are right, Teresa9, Jrabs is indeed one of the kindest persons that I have had the pleasure to converse with on this board.
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