I like this one catholic guy, and he’s the only catholic guy in my school. He’s a good catholic and his personality and his morals really peaked my interest. I’m a shy person to begin with, but I don’t want to keep doing nothing. I sometimes preach on my snap chat because my school doesn’t have a very big Christian population (but we do have people who claim to be christian but don’t follow because they just inherited their parents’ faith). He saw one of my snaps about sexual immorality and started asking me for help. I was so happy because all I hear in my school is how xxxx wants to get in xxxxx’s pants. It was a breath of fresh air and I was so happy to help him improve his faith because he never knew it was wrong and he’s now trying to be a chaste teen too. We talked one other time and he asked a faith related question, but how can I talk to him? I’m always happy to preach, but I’m so shy around guys. He’s a rare find and I’m too shy to not make a move… Any advice on Catholic dating?
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