How can I help a friend who has lost faith?

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Hello. I’m not sure how to start this but I have a very good friend of mine and I’m starting to see her lose faith. Maybe it’s already lost and I don’t know how to help her. I’m not sure how to respond to the questions and statements she makes. I would like some insight.
Personally she’s dealt with a lot and I’m not going to put her whole business on here but she’s hurt. She’ll wonder why she can’t have this or that but other people who in her eyes are less deserving will have what she wants. She asks me, “Why does God give children cancer?” “Why does God let women have miscarriages?” “Its all bullshit.” “I don’t belong in a church.”
I’m not one to preach at someone that they need God and need to try to get their faith back unless I really believed it. I truly believe that if she tried a little bit God will help her. I just don’t know how to help her help herself.
I hope I’m not depicting her as a horrible person. She’s a really wonderful person. She’s just lost right now. I think. Any advice would be appreciated please. ❤️
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Faith is not usually lost for intellectual reasons. The questions a person asks had always been there, but they had never been a problem.

Faith is normally lost because deep down you want to question it and maybe you hope to lose it: faith is light or heavy depending on how you look at it.

In practice: do not get lost behind the questions, answer someone for friendship, but I think it is unlikely that the solution to the problem will come from there.
Be a witness to God and show her your love. Perhaps then she will see the joy that comes with worshiping God. The seeds of Faith must be planted in good soil first. Only then can you water it with knowledge.
I would try to answer her from my own experience and faith. Do you ever think about why children get cancer? Is it from God? Or does it come from elsewhere? Is God there with the child with cancer? Does he care about that child? How do you deal with such questions in your own life?

I might say that – for myself – I don’t believe that God gives people cancer. It may come from genetics or from the environment or something else, who knows? But when I look at Jesus’ ministry and all the people he healed, I don’t think that God wants people to be sick. It happens. We live in an imperfect world. But I also believe that God suffers with the child and with his family. He works through the doctors and other health care people to bring healing. Ultimately I trust him to be with the sick person and bring comfort.

It’s not theological, but it’s personal.
I would maybe extend an invitation to her to join you in going to mass, doing a Bible study, praying (Rosary?), etc. I would definitely say that you should keep praying for her though. There are many great saints that you can ask for their intercession for those struggling with their faith or converting (St. Mother Theresa, St. John of the Cross, St. Monica, St. Hubert just to name a few). Just know that you don’t have to have all of the answers. Ask God for His help and trust in Him.
(Also it might help to talk with a priest if your friend is willing)
I will keep you and your friend in my prayers! God Bless!
Are you familiar with the story about Joseph (one of the sons of Israel)? He was abandoned by his brothers and thrown into prison for something that he was falsely accused of. God was with him, as the Bible says. He was eventually taken out of prison and was exalted to being second in command of the Egyptian empire; an empire that was probably one of the most powerful empires in the world (at that time). He went from nothing into something.

The same is true of a woman who has a miscarriage. Though, to some, it seems like God has abandoned those who suffer through such things, it is not so. God tests us in order to make it evident who are believers and who are not. Believers will suffer from hardship, but we know that God has a purpose for everything. Once we get into the Kingdom of Heaven, we will know that all of our suffering was worth it.

Encountering suffering is always an opportunity to grow. When I suffer, I thank God for it. I thank Him because He is making me understand what Christ went through for me. Jesus suffered like no man has suffered. Spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically.

Have your friend read through the book of Genesis, especially the parts about Joseph. 🙂
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