How can I rescue these plants?

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New member
I am absolutely rubbish at gardening, although I LOVE plants.

How can I rescue my plants. Should I transplant them?

I can’t upload photos, so just to give you an idea; they are succulents that are starting to go pale in colour.
Upload, lets see what succulents you have and what they need. How often do you water them and what climate are you in, are they in full sun, part sun, full shade, etc
Depending on the type of succulent it is, it could be too much sun so the paleness is due to sunburn/bleaching as these types should be in semi shade and not direct sun.

Or if going pale and “relaxing” or elongating/stretching - where the leaves are not as tightly bunched, held upright or have larger gaps between them, could be because they need more sun.

It would be good if you could find pictures of yours on the web and then insert links to or type the link in so we can see which succulents you are having trouble with.
Usually succulents have trouble from overwatering.

I have one succulent that I water once per YEAR. We live in a very humid place.

Are they getting enough sun?

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