How can I resist being tempted when I'm stressed out?

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I find it very difficult to handle stressful periods in my life. During these trials is when I tend to fall into mortal sin. The devil seems to know exactly when to move in on me (when I’m stressed out, tired, etc.) I am so strongly tempted during these times and seem too weak to resist. How can I better prepare myself to handle these situations. I cannot stand falling into His trap!!! Thank You
I find it very difficult to handle stressful periods in my life. During these trials is when I tend to fall into mortal sin. The devil seems to know exactly when to move in on me (when I’m stressed out, tired, etc.) I am so strongly tempted during these times and seem too weak to resist. How can I better prepare myself to handle these situations. I cannot stand falling into His trap!!! Thank You
The devil’s job is to tempt us at our weakest moments, and he does his job well! Pray Logan. Pray for deliverance from these temptations. And go to confession frequently. God Bless you.
I find it very difficult to handle stressful periods in my life. During these trials is when I tend to fall into mortal sin. The devil seems to know exactly when to move in on me (when I’m stressed out, tired, etc.) I am so strongly tempted during these times and seem too weak to resist. How can I better prepare myself to handle these situations. I cannot stand falling into His trap!!! Thank You
This may not be what you are looking for, but I suggest shoring yourself up by getting the exact right amount of sleep, eating well, not getting behind at work, etc. Eliminate any stress that you are needlessly causing (there may be none, of course). It also helps to engage in devotions that work for you. For me, that would be Adoration. Chose the one that works for you and do it frequently. Daily mass is a good thing to try. It actually strengthens us to be strong against temptations and such.

These suggestions should improve your strength, so you are weak less often. Then, the first instant you realize you are thinking a bad image or intention, you must gently turn away and pray to God for assistance. Say, Lord make haste to help me! You could also try St. Michael. Be gentle, but firm. If you are slow and wait to the second instant, it is much harder. Resolve to turn away on the first instant. It is not worth it to wait. Convince yourself of that.
As a stick…I think of how my sin adds weight to the cross our Lord is carrying towards His crucifixtion.

As a carrot, I think about my goal…getting to heaven!

May His peace be with you…
Addoration, Mass, confession, the big three…draw grace from the Eucharist, also at moments when you at tempted turn your mind and heart to God, offer it up. If every time that the devil tempts you, pray he will stop tempting you in that way! Prayer!
I have the exact same problem. When I am tired/stressed, I just don’t think logically so many tricks don’t work.

So what I do–
  1. Avoid the situations where temptation can reach me. A simplistic example, if you are prone to over-eating at weak times do NOT go near the kitchen 😉
  2. This helps me - I just pray “Holy Spirit - come to me!” over and over. Jesus taught us to pray for help. He wants us driving the bus when we are tempted.
  3. Try my best and don’t get upset when I fail. I know I have gotten better over time, and after all we are sinners we are not perfect. So I will never stop trying hard but I acknowledge my weaknesses
Good luck!
Sometimes I repeat the St. Michael prayer several times before a temptation leaves me:

St. Michael, the Archangel, defend us in battle. Protect us from the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray. And do thou, o prince of the heavenly host, by the Power of God, cast into hell satan and all evil spirits who prowl about the earth seeking the destruction of souls.

Sometimes I just cry “St. Michael.” Sometimes “Lord, have mercy on me” or “Jesus I trust in You.”

I also find it helpful to pray the Divine Mercy chaplet and the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary. When I think of all the temptation and all the pain Jesus endured, I offer my pain and temptation to Him as well and know He will help me bear my cross.
Like it was said–if you can remove yourself from where sin may occur. Realize that you can always go somewhere else or change your environment. If it’s food stay away from the kitchen. If it’s lust or something leave your door open. If it’s anger/rage go to adoration. You get the picture. There’s always some factor that we can change that will help us stay strong. The question is do we want to change? Pray, Pray, Pray!
I like all of these suggestions and I truly want to try everything I can to help myself with this. I would also appreciate any prayers that you may say for me! God Bless You
Your values are off, so you are being “stressed.”

View life as an adventrure in courageous Catholic evangelization, and everything else as secondary.

It sounds like you are talking about masturbation, drugs or booze. Beware, if you are, you may have a more serious moral problem than mortal sin when you are “under stress.”

For example, *Are your confessions of your mortal sin valid, if mortal sin after “stress” is so inevitable? *“I firmly resolve, with the help of Your grace, to sin no more, and to avoid near occasions of sin.”

Do you ever really “firmly resolve”?

I was the world’s biggest masturbator for years. As my personal insight grew, but my habit nonetheless continued, in my opinion my confessions became invalid and my confessions and Communions sacriligeous.

If your problem is masturbation in response to “stress,” hurry!, solve the problem! You may be living in a chronically damnable status.

If your problem is masturbation, as it is with many in our society, the solution is simple:


The real sin is the peeking following confession, not the masturbation. I was SO lost that the concept of not checking out every female that shook by was astonishing to me.
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