How can people be so deceived ? or stupid? or misinformed? about the difference between the Republicans and the Democrats. ? the propaganda. and decep

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How can people be so deceived?? Or stupid?? Or miss informed?? About the difference between the Democratic party. The propaganda?? And deception from the Democratic party seems obvious??

The difference between the godly and the Ungodly. Should be obvious?
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Both the Republican and Democratic parties are corrupt and leading our country into oblivion. It’s all a show and we’re being played. At the upper levels there’s no difference between either party.
I agree with Cruciferi. When the Republicans refused to shut down Planned Parenthood after the baby parts scandal, I was out. I don’t vote for the Republican Party anymore. I might vote for individual Republicans but not for the party.
Yes the moral climate is everyone does what is Right In Their Own Eyes
Did you just call my family members who are Democrats, ungodly? Even the ones who are anti-abortion, and homosexual “marriages?” The ones who give to the needy as much as they are able? The ones that pray and attend Church on a weekly basis?
Oooohhhh you think my family members are stupid, too!!
Yep, Masters and Ph.D. degrees, definately “stupid.” How surprising then that they stressed me being well educated! Would you like me to demonstrate? I could help you with the flagrant grammatical errors in your title. Or would that be ungodly of me?
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I have learned that just because someone has a Master’s or PH.D, doesn’t mean they have common sense. They might be book
smart, but that doesn’t mean they are smart about life. I am not talking about
everyone or making a blanket statement,
only relating an observation.
I agree. But I also think that insinuating a group of people as being “ungodly” and “stupid,” is unjust. Especially as a blanket statement.
I would say the same thing if the OP was directing his words at Republicans.
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Don’t let it get to you. Sometimes no response is the best response.
It is not about intelligence or integrity. It is a cultural, tribal connection. Emotion not reason. I personally believe a lot of Democrats actually don’t think, for example, Trump colluded with the Russians, but they want the FBI investigation (even if illegal) to continue to destroy Trump. They want their PC culture back in charge. A sort of neutralizing of what America was traditionally, constitutionally; what Trump is trying to bring back, restore. This has been the intellectual, academic left for decades, even before the sixties. You even see this kind of thinking at the Vatican, high academic liberalism. But since Obama it seems like it has become mainstream, the media outlets such as CNN or the NYT or Washington Post, even the BBC, also entertainment, academics. They are now advocates of a particular secular leftist ideology as the moral norm of our society. Immigration is a great example - 5 years ago Democrats supported a wall. Now they are willing to shut down the government for immigrants who come here illegally. Mind boggling. Even if the ideology is false, intolerant, corrupt, hateful, counterproductive, doesn’t matter. Again, think tribe.
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Say whatever you would like but at the end of day… :crazy_face:
How can people be so deceived by the Republican party? How could Christians support candidates who, only a few years ago, would have been run out of the race for their unspeakable morals?
The difference between the godly and the Ungodly. Should be obvious?
I do find it obvious, the problem is that I see as many of godly and ungodly behaviors in both parties. They are just different kinds of corruption.

I recently was very saddened to learn about how the Kennedys turned the Democratic party pro-abortion

I know there are some democrats that are pro-life, but it is not enough to turn the party back to pre-Kennedy days.
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