How Can That Be?!?

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I was watching EWTN and you know how they have a short 2 min. something like that of “Miracles of the Eucharist” where the bread and wine miraculiously (forget spelling! LOL!) turns into the real literal Blood and Flesh. JAW DROPS This is a mystery…but I wish it would happen at ALL Catholic churches!

All right…I’ll admit that I’m having a hard time believing that…I would like to believe but how can I convince myself? There’s something wrong with me! 😦
Can you believe that a woman can give birth to a child and remain a virgin?

Is the turning of water into wine beyond your desire to accept?

Should you watch a man be severely mutilated and killed, and then see him alive again only a few days later, would you doubt that he had ever died?
Since we do accept and beleive the Virgin Birth, the Miracle at Cana, and the Ressurection, why then is it so difficult to use those same eyes of faith when it comes to the Eucharist?

“why do you look for the living among the dead?”

Pax Christi,

Paris Blues:
I was watching EWTN and you know how they have a short 2 min. something like that of “Miracles of the Eucharist” where the bread and wine miraculiously (forget spelling! LOL!) turns into the real literal Blood and Flesh. JAW DROPS This is a mystery…but I wish it would happen at ALL Catholic churches!

All right…I’ll admit that I’m having a hard time believing that…I would like to believe but how can I convince myself? There’s something wrong with me! 😦
Have you ever seen this before ? there are loads of others, but some won’t believe no-matter what you show
Paris Blues:
I was watching EWTN and you know how they have a short 2 min. something like that of “Miracles of the Eucharist” where the bread and wine miraculiously (forget spelling! LOL!) turns into the real literal Blood and Flesh. JAW DROPS This is a mystery…but I wish it would happen at ALL Catholic churches!

All right…I’ll admit that I’m having a hard time believing that…I would like to believe but how can I convince myself? There’s something wrong with me! 😦
John 20:29 Jesus said to him, “Because you have seen Me, have you believed? Blessed are they who did not see, and yet believed.”
Matt 12:39 “An evil and wicked generation looks for a sign”

Luke 11:29 “This generation is a wicked generation; it seeks for a sign…”

Unfortunately, these texts say that if at first you do not believe, a sign will do you no good. For example, the Pharisees saw many of the miracles of Jesus, but since they did not believe in him, they accused him of working through the devil. 😦
That miracles happen is well documented and indisputable.

Asking the how of miracles, even if we could understand them, isn’t the point.

I remember a true story of a priest who while at a well known Marian apparition site, witnessed a miracle. At the time he saw it, there was no doubt in his mind that what he saw had happened. After he got home and as time passed, he began to doubt more and more what he had seen even though he was so sure at the time.

The moral of the story is that as amazing as Eucharistic and other miracles are, we are not to build our faith upon them.
Paris Blues:
All right…I’ll admit that I’m having a hard time believing that…I would like to believe but how can I convince myself? There’s something wrong with me! 😦
YOU are a miracle, my friend. We ALL are.
NOBODY can create life, except God.
If you can’t believe that, are you really here?

"Ignorance of Scripture is Ignorance of Christ" - St. Jerome
Paris Blues:
I was watching EWTN and you know how they have a short 2 min. something like that of “Miracles of the Eucharist” where the bread and wine miraculiously (forget spelling! LOL!) turns into the real literal Blood and Flesh. JAW DROPS This is a mystery…but I wish it would happen at ALL Catholic churches!

All right…I’ll admit that I’m having a hard time believing that…I would like to believe but how can I convince myself? There’s something wrong with me! 😦
No, there is nothing wrong with you. It does seem unbelievable, but as another poster pointed out, so are many other mysteries in Christianity. As and ex- atheist, I thought God was unbelievable and especially a virgin birth and a man that was also God’s son and our Savior?? Come 'on. It all seemed very hard to believe until I did believe in God, none of it made sense.

I suggest studying Church Authority, so that you trust her more. Get whatever kind of book that “speaks to you” and is about Church Authority. I read Jesus, Peter and the Keys - the Papacy and it helped me a lot.

The other thing is Adoration. Have you been to Eucharistic Adoration? This is what opened my mind. I was not yet baptized, but I went to adoration and after about 45 mins. I had a feeling that made me feel like Jesus was there in front of me on the altar. I won’t go into long detail, but this opened my mind up.

Then, when you do receive Communion, I think you will be sure of the “Real Presence” because of how you feel and you will have a longing for it. I actually felt like my soul needed it for food. Sounds silly, but as I said, lots of Christianity sounds silly until you believe in God and realize that all things are possible. He has no limit, but to decide between fact and fiction, you have the Church and to help you understand, you have the Bible and The Church. Read Jesus’ own words about the Eucharist at the Last Supper in the Gospels. Read how strong of a point he is making about it being His flesh INDEED. It is unbelievable, but it is true. Give it time and keep studying Scripture and go to Adoration somewhere. You may have to experience Communion to become fully convince, but just don’t have the thought in your head that God couldn’t or wouldn’t turn bread into The Body of Jesus. You know that he could and from the Bible, it seems that he would.

Read Exodus Chapter 12 and then Read John Chapter 1 and Chapter 6. Jesus is the Sacrificial Lamb. It seems strange to us to offer a lamb for the forgiveness of our sins, but I think it was what Jews did. It wouldn’t have seemed strange to them at all that they would eat what they sacrificed to God. Keep studying.

I’ve only been Catholic for about 3 yrs. now, but it makes sense. There is nothing wrong because you doubt some things, but feed yourself with good information and as much spiritual help as you can get through prayer, scripture, Priests, adoration, the Rosary and eventually, you feel quite confident that The Church will guide you and you will know the truth.
I think all you need to do is convince yourself that it COULD happen. I do not think you are obligated to believe that it necessarily DID happen in any particular place and time.
Paris Blues:
I was watching EWTN and you know how they have a short 2 min. something like that of “Miracles of the Eucharist” where the bread and wine miraculiously (forget spelling! LOL!) turns into the real literal Blood and Flesh. JAW DROPS This is a mystery…**but I wish it would happen at ALL Catholic churches! **
God desires where, and when such miracles will happen, in His own time and pleasure.

After all, during His earthly ministry, we know that Jesus Himself raised only a few dead people back to life, and not everyone who died. He did not turn every jar of water into wine, nor multiply every piece of fish or bread He could find.

Gerry 🙂
That video was really shaky! Still pretty cool though. I don’t look for signs… but i do enjoy them… 😃
I can’t tell what is happening in that video. Is there a beating heart in the tabernacle?
Some people see different things, it looks like a heart & the quality isn’t good, a tripod would have helped,but it looks red.
Something definately is happening, thats for sure, the person that took the video didn’t see anything but the white Host.
It was only when the film was developed that you could see what looks like a pulsating heart.
YOU are a miracle, my friend. We ALL are.
NOBODY can create life, except God.
If you can’t believe that, are you really here?

"Ignorance of Scripture is Ignorance of Christ" - St. Jerome
Always, we are surrounded by miracles, yet we hardly give notice, nor acknowledge their author. Man too easily becomes jaded by familiarity, and we act and speak as though there was none. We often say “there are no miracles!” yet we are too blind to even see that we are** the** miracle.

Gerry 🙂
I am like totally not understanding the original post. The Eucharist is a miracle still existing and perpetuated in every Mass celebrated every day around the world wherein Jesus Christ gives us his body, blood, soul and divinity shrouded in the physical appearance and accidents of bread and wine. What miracle could possibly compete? If you cannot accept the constant 2000 year old teaching of the Catholic Church, can you not accept the very words and actions of Christ himself as witness?

If this is not the topic of your post, I gather you are referring to various times and places when persons, sometimes more than one, have claimed to see the consecrated species exhibit physical characteristics and accidents appropriate to actual flesh and blood. Whether or not such visions were “imaginary” as the result of contemplation of the Eucharist and granted as an affirmation or conviction of their awareness of the reality of Christ present in the Eucharist, or whether they are indeed truly physical manifestations (which would make them miraculous), and even greater gift to the contemplative, they still do not change the underlying truth of the Eucharist.

No Christian should require any such manifestation to confirm or ratify his belief in Christ’s saving presence in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar. They are graces granted in prayer (when and if they are genuine), belonging to those who witness them, and us such are private revelation, which always confirms and never contradicts divine revelation. We believe because Christ said it so it is true. The Church teaches it because Christ said it and it is true.
I hope I have not offended any Catholic here:crying: …for I am such a moron myself! Why? We all know why…:o

I guess it’s kinda like me having a couple experiences where I have literally heard our Lord speak to me when I was in bed, trying to fall asleep. Once in Aramaic and once when He softly said, “Welcome to Israel”. Believe me, I had a heck of a hard time believing but somehow, I was convinced…so if I believe in that, then I should be able to believe in the Miracles of the Eucharist, right?😛

C’mon guys, really, I DESIRE to believe it!!! I want to!!! I get so frustrated with myself when I can’t because deep down, I know it’s possible! I also pray that I will believe better!

P.S. Boy, I am such a fool:crying:
Matt 12:39 “An evil and wicked generation looks for a sign”

Luke 11:29 “This generation is a wicked generation; it seeks for a sign…”

Unfortunately, these texts say that if at first you do not believe, a sign will do you no good. For example, the Pharisees saw many of the miracles of Jesus, but since they did not believe in him, they accused him of working through the devil. 😦
Thanks for reminding me! Though it’s not that I’m evil or anything…I just only want to believe!
I think all you need to do is convince yourself that it COULD happen. I do not think you are obligated to believe that it necessarily DID happen in any particular place and time.
I convinced myself that it is possible…:o

If this is the case for me, maybe it was a good idea to wait until next year to be confirmed…
I believe this:

God created the world - therefore I believe in God.

Jesus rose from the dead - therefore I am a Christian.

If God did not create world, then the heck with God.

If Jesus did not rise from the dead, then Christianity is a sham and I’m gone.

However, God did create the world and Jesus did rise from the dead.

If God can create the world and Jesus could rise from the dead, then God could:
  • Create man and woman
  • Part the red sea
  • Cure illnesses
  • Cast out demons
  • Multiple the loaves and fishes
  • Be with us always
  • Be actually and physically present to us
It’s really quite simple! Thanks be to God!
C’mon guys! I’m wanting to believe but you guys seem to take it like I’m stupid and have no faith whatsoever!:mad:

I DO BELIEVE that it can happen, all right?
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