Ahem, gather round kids, here is what got me back into church and enrolled right in RCIA like nothing:
The notion that the church is not just for old ladies.
I know, many of you are laughing right now, but please, bear with me, i’m serious. Spirituality just isn’t cool with many kids. It’s that simple. You know how many 14-15 y/o kids i catch gawking at me when i am done praying? I look like an Italian hit man for starters, not exactly the type to break down in tears during the consecration
To me, the church is the most bad-a** institution on the face of the earth. This is serious business we’re talking about here. I’m a member of the army of Christ! We all are! But no one conveys that message. The youth are on the front lines of the attacks of the evil one, and they are losing.
I truly used to think all this praying to the Virgin Mary and Jesus was just for little old ladies at tea time, you know. Then Fr. John Corapi set me straight. The church needs men. Real hard core men. In the last 45 years the institution of the church has been decimated by politics, and trying to appeal to people. How many times have you heard “i like catholics, just not the catholic church”
Trust me, if the church goes back to it’s hard line on social teaching, the youth will come. We have to step on some toes every now and then, Jesus didn’t come to bring gum drops and polka dots, he came to rain fire upon the earth! So why is the church so docile in it’s teaching?
Why are things like the TLM packing them in? Because it’s serious. It’s hard core. It’s powerful. And it’s esoteric. This is the real harry potter stuff, this is real spirituality. And we the youth love that stuff.
And finally, Jesus has been feminized into a docile victim, he’s the Lord for gosh sakes! He cast out demons, cured people of their sickness, hung out with some rough dudes, told the Jews to cut off their foreskins if they really wanted to follow his law, told Abraham to sacrifice his son, that is some intense teaching! You’re either with Jesus, or you’re with Satan. I want to be in Jesus’ corner!
And unfortunately, none of this is being addressed. The church needs it’s men. It’s that simple. Dad’s, older brothers, single men, please take this message seriously.