Hello everybody, i have an important question to ask about praying to God in overcoming sinful addictions. For more than 10 years, i have been highly addicted to smoking and masturbation… a bit of me blames this because of being almost alone through out my life, Or maybe these sins have made me alone through out my life… Anyway, through out the years I have been praying for the strength to stop. I really do, but I can’t do a full day with out falling back. There are days, in where my dosage is a bit in control where i would take less cigarettes and less masturbation… however it just goes in a repeating cycle.
I’ve been praying for these sins to leave my life for good, however i have to admit that my body really “aches”… i try to pray during the moments of craving and only 4/10 times it would be successful.
I’ve been feeling allot of shame in praying to God for always failing everyday. I feel like i have no right to pray because the mount of guilt, sadness, etc that I feel… i just ran out of things to say to him. How can I just ask for forgiveness and strength every night when i have been failing over and over again? How can I pray about God to grant the desires in my heart if I can’t honor him by over coming my addictions?
How do you exactly open up to God in a prayer after another failed day?
I’ve been praying for these sins to leave my life for good, however i have to admit that my body really “aches”… i try to pray during the moments of craving and only 4/10 times it would be successful.
I’ve been feeling allot of shame in praying to God for always failing everyday. I feel like i have no right to pray because the mount of guilt, sadness, etc that I feel… i just ran out of things to say to him. How can I just ask for forgiveness and strength every night when i have been failing over and over again? How can I pray about God to grant the desires in my heart if I can’t honor him by over coming my addictions?
How do you exactly open up to God in a prayer after another failed day?