How could the fallen angels possibly have rebelled?

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God who is perfect in every way, with infinite abilities, knowledge, wisdom, etc. could not possibly have any faults or need for improvements. He created a lot of lesser beings called angels. They had free will and a very intimate knowledge of God himself. Their knowledge of God was far far greater than any human knowledge could ever be. Yet they apparently found something to complain about and a group of them rebelled. My question is how could the angels possibly have found something to be unhappy about. The idea that they were unhappy that they were not as powerful as God is a silly thing to consider. With their superior intellects they would surely recognize their place in the scheme of things. They would be far above all our human invented faults like envy, jealously, etc. They would recognize a good thing when they saw it and live happily, vastly superior to humans, as the angels they were made to be.
If the question is “how were they capable of rejecting God?”, then @(name removed by moderator)'s answer is correct.

If the question is “why did they rebel?”, one answer I’ve heard people say is ‘pride.’ Knowing God’s plan, and knowing that the Logos would become human, and knowing that humans alone would have the opportunity to receive Him in the Eucharist, some said, “enough of this garbage; how dare God give to them and not us – we will not serve!”
Except they weren’t. They fell victim to pride, which is why it’s considered amongst the most grave of sins.

Because of their perfection, they felt above lesser mankind and when told to pay reverence they mocked the notion. Because we are impossibly flawed - and that’s precisely why God loves us most of all.

This set of variables is precisely what has influenced AI (artificial intelligence) fiction and movies for decades for this very same reason.

It teaches us about the very circumstances to which perceived perfection renders those viewed as less, as worthless or obsolete.

This story is best recalled as Hitlers Arianism.

A superior master race, to whom the Jews weren’t even human. Just ‘sub-human trash, unfit for life’.
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Funniest of all, many of those “sub-human trash” were blonde, blue eyed, some even tall and athletic. In other words, if you put one of those people next to Hitler and someone told you “shoot the Jew and spare the aryan” you’d probably shoot Hitler

As far as I know, Jews aren’t even a race, they’re a multi-racial religion like any other. So not only were Nazis cruel, but they were wasting their own time
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Hitlers master race were a supposed replacement for us all.

The poor Jews just scape goats and a mere fraction of his grand design.

Because of their geographic and social nature, Jews are considered an ‘ethno-religion’ but Nazi contempt and hatred for them ran far deeper than that.

They were ‘like pigs, unfit to even inhabit the lands of man’.

It’s difficult to comprehend at times, the depths to which saw man experiment on fellow man like lab animals - but it should stand as a marker, these things can happen easily with social conditioning and brainwashing.

How the fallen angels viewed man, or how hitler viewed Jews; antihumanism, antisemitism, racism or whatever in between it should be condemned.

God condemned it immediately. Yet we look around the world, too few of us follow suit.
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God who is perfect in every way, with infinite abilities, knowledge, wisdom, etc. could not possibly have any faults or need for improvements. He created a lot of lesser beings called angels. They had free will and a very intimate knowledge of God himself. Their knowledge of God was far far greater than any human knowledge could ever be. Yet they apparently found something to complain about and a group of them rebelled. My question is how could the angels possibly have found something to be unhappy about. The idea that they were unhappy that they were not as powerful as God is a silly thing to consider. With their superior intellects they would surely recognize their place in the scheme of things. They would be far above all our human invented faults like envy, jealously, etc. They would recognize a good thing when they saw it and live happily, vastly superior to humans, as the angels they were made to be.
The Fall is by pride. They are not just like God.
They had free will and a very intimate knowledge of God himself. Their knowledge of God was far far greater than any human knowledge could ever be. Yet they apparently found something to complain about and a group of them rebelled. My question is how could the angels possibly have found something to be unhappy about. The idea that they were unhappy that they were not as powerful as God is a silly thing to consider. With their superior intellects they would surely recognize their place in the scheme of things. They would be far above all our human invented faults like envy, jealously, etc. They would recognize a good thing when they saw it and live happily, vastly superior to humans, as the angels they were made to be.
And suppose that God the Father had shown them His Son in human form—Jesus, and said to them: “This my beloved Son. Worship; him!”

And suppose that Lucifer had replied: “Worship a human being? Never! I will not serve!”
no one knows for 100% why satan & his legions rebelled like they did

they were outnumbered 2-1, and failed to respect the generalship of st michael

that is why the demons are where they (in hell)

and their sole last purpose is to torture our human souls in an attempt to drag us into their crap hole to suffer, along with them, for eternity
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There is a story God showed His Plan to the angels beforehand. The Almighty God, the Magnificent, the one who looks down to Heaven, was going to become a man. A MAN! The filthy world of death. Why? He is perfectly just and can easily simply not go, and judge the unrighteous, pitiful humans if He so willed. But, out of love He would suffer and experience so much hate and shame.

But the devil, so beautiful, thought he would be above the Most High through pride.
Here is my thought on this. If God had created everything perfectly, will the angels and we humans value and appreciate it. I do not think so. We cannot appreciate or tell if something is sweet unless we have tasted something less sweet or bitter. We cannot appreciate and enjoy freedom without first having some kind of restriction. So perfection and imperfection, sweet and bitter are two sides of the same coin; we cannot appreciate one without having first experiencing the other. For us to get to heaven and enjoy perfect happiness (even though it is not because of our efforts), it is necessary for us to go through a journey of unhappiness in this world.
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