How did Pharoh's servants do that?

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This has always confused me. Exodus 7:
10 Then Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh and did as the LORD had commanded. Aaron threw his staff down before Pharaoh and his servants, and it was changed into a snake. 11 Pharaoh, in turn, summoned wise men and sorcerers, and they also, the magicians of Egypt, did likewise by their magic arts. 12 Each one threw down his staff, and it was changed into a snake. But Aaron’s staff swallowed their staffs.
 Okay, I have no problem buying that God turned Aaron's staff into a snake.  But Pharaoh's advisers were able to do the same thing?  I really don't get how they were able to do that.   
Well, I don’t know* how* they were able to do this, but my guess would be that god permitted it in order to show the sign of Aaron’s staff (turned into a snake) swallowing the other staffs (turned into snakes), as a way to demonstrate the power of God over the egyptian gods.

Great question.

I found this from St. Agustine (On the Trinity, book III) to be *very *illuminating.
CHAPTER 7.–GREAT MIRACLES WROUGHT BY MAGIC ARTS. 12. I see here what may occur to a weak judgment, namely, why such miracles are wrought also by magic arts; for the wise men of Pharaoh likewise made serpents, and did other like things. Yet it is still more a matter of wonder, how it was that the power of those magicians, which was able to make serpents, when it came to very small flies, failed altogether. For the lice, by which third plague the proud people of Egypt were smitten, are very short-lived little flies; yet. there certainly the magicians failed, saying, “This is the finger of God.” And hence it is given us to understand that not even those angels and powers of the air that transgressed, who have been thrust down into that lowest darkness, as into a peculiar prison, from their habitation in that lofty ethereal purity, through whom magic arts have whatever power they have, can do anything except by power given from above. Now that power is given either to deceive the deceitful, as it was given against the Egyptians, and against the magicians also themselves, in order that in the seducing of those spirits they might seem admirable by whom they were wrought, but to be condemned by the truth of God; or for the admonishing of the faithful, lest they should desire to do anything of the kind as though it were a great thing, for which reason they have been handed down to us also by the authority of Scripture; or lastly, for the exercising, proving, and manifesting of the patience of the righteous. For it was not by any small power of visible miracles that Job lost all that he had, and both his children and his bodily health itself.
Evidently those two magicians of Pharoah were traditionally known as Jannes and Jambres. They are mentioned as contending with Moses in 2 Timothy! (Interestingly enough, this has been used as an argument against sola scriptura, since Timothy is using traditional names for the two, and they appear nowhere else in scripture).

So I suppose that “magical power” can be given by demonic activity (and this is allowed by God – just as all demonic activity is allowed, up to a point! cf. Exodus.)

That help at all?
Verbum Caro:
So I suppose that “magical power” can be given by demonic activity (and this is allowed by God – just as all demonic activity is allowed, up to a point! cf. Exodus.)
I suppose the answer is the same as where all magic effect gets its power from: The deception of demons attempting to lead others away from God. The deception is allowed by God for the reasons listed above by Augustine.

Perhaps the nature of spirituality in those days allowed for magic to have much more profound effects, just as it allowed God to work more profoundly in those days then in ours.

This has always confused me. Exodus 7:

Okay, I have no problem buying that God turned Aaron’s staff into a snake. But Pharaoh’s advisers were able to do the same thing? I really don’t get how they were able to do that.
Satanic “priests” can obtain power from the other direction. They also offer the counterfeits to the gifts of the spirit–the opposites. They also can appear to do deliverances, but (unlike Christian deliverances) the victim usually gets worse after appearing to get better for a time. I am reading a book currently on spirtual delverance from a Catholic perspective, and it simply cements in my own mind the terrible power of the enemy, and the need to keep Christ close…

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Ephesians 6:12.
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