Ok so every one has conversion stories all over the place, (well except cradle Cath’s like myself) but what got you up in arms to start studying up arguments against and for the RCC? I’ll start off with my story. [Also, if there is already a thread like this that I missed, just dump this one]
I was back in high school coming back to school from a football game (in the band, not the team) and me and some pals were sitting in the back of a school bus, amongst us was,
2 kids from Church of Christ
3 Mormons
1 Atheist (she might’ve been agnostic, doesn’t matter now)
1 ONE RCC ← Me I might add.
So we some how got wound up talking about religion, at the time I didn’t know much about the Bible, didn’t know much about RCC doctrines etc… and was essentially ripe for the picking. The only thing I believe that saved me was the fact that my history classes had talked of ancient Christian stuff and the only church invovled was well, and a heapin helpin of little man disease! Anyways, they sat there badgering me about the Pope, the Celibacy of Clergy, Mary etc., typical Protestant stuff. Only they’d studied their Bibles (and BoM’s) real hard and I hadn’t, I just knew what I’d picked up from going to church (VERY infrequently I might add) and from my mom who’s a cradle Catholic too and totally devout to this day, meanwhile they had all kinds of carefully constructed arguments full of Bible power. I did the best I could explaining that we don’t worship the Pope or Mary and that we choose to enforce Celibacy so our Clergy will not be divided amongst wife and God and more apt to serve God in a most efficient manner. Well suffice to say, we finally got back to school and had to unload instruments and stuff and the conversation was dropped, until later,
I was really good friends (in fact they still are) best friends with the 2 Chruch of Christ members and they did (with good intentions) showed me a pile of Chick tracts and showed me a copy of what I didn’t know at the time was Loraine Boettner’s Roman Catholicism, well I glanced thru the book, but one thing kept me from taking stock in what the book said, the fact that it was published by a Presbetyrian company which made me assume it wasn’t going to be accurate so I decided to go to my local Priests and mom and find out better info, well me and my folks sat down and went thru the Chick tracts with the NAB in hand and refuted a large majority of the Chick tracts (not very hard actually) and held steady in my faith, but certain things still bothered me i.e. infant baptism, a relative inability to refute Mary having other kids and some other more specific things. So I was still questioning the Chruch, well this had got me back into attending Mass and joined a small (and short lived sadly enough) Catholic youth group. I also started studying apologetics stuff too.
We went to some seminar “youth retreat” thing wayyyyyy out in some city I can’t remember, maybe St. Petersburg and I met some one who would change my views of Catholocism,
Tim Staples.
Yes, hearing his conversion story was cool and dandy and all, but what really got me was here was a Catholic standing up on an out door tent stage spouting line after line after line from the Bible ALL supporting the RCC lines of thinking and faith. So here I was sitting there thinking, WOW this dude is the MAN! So I went and pestered him
with all kinds of questions which he answered very well and was totally cool about everything. This was the best Catholic experience of my life since Tim firmly grounded my faith to this rock of belief because he could stand there and use the Bible to prove us right and them wrong. Later on I would meet another speaker (sorry dude can’t remember your name) who conducted a seminar to teach RC’s to refute 7th Day Adventists, Witnessess and Mormons (some of the stuff he said about Mormons was a little hard to swallow since a majority of my friends were Mormon and at one time they had even gotten a little close to converting me back in high school (but the fact that the RCC is 2000 years old kept me grounded in it, and a lot of Mormon stuff just seemed too fruity)) and my faith was further grounded.
Later on though in high school and on into college I fell away from the church hard and became totally agnostic, I wasn’t dumb enough to be atheist (I figure that’s REALLY shootin yourself in the foot if you’re wrong) and lived a very Godless life and was only worried about getting rich, getting laid and a variety of other stupid things which left me sad because I wasn’t rich, wasn’t getting laid (good thing actually) and was still too grounded with the desire to lead a very moral life regardless of my godlessness at the time. This was me for a couple of years,
I was back in high school coming back to school from a football game (in the band, not the team) and me and some pals were sitting in the back of a school bus, amongst us was,
2 kids from Church of Christ
3 Mormons
1 Atheist (she might’ve been agnostic, doesn’t matter now)
1 ONE RCC ← Me I might add.
So we some how got wound up talking about religion, at the time I didn’t know much about the Bible, didn’t know much about RCC doctrines etc… and was essentially ripe for the picking. The only thing I believe that saved me was the fact that my history classes had talked of ancient Christian stuff and the only church invovled was well, and a heapin helpin of little man disease! Anyways, they sat there badgering me about the Pope, the Celibacy of Clergy, Mary etc., typical Protestant stuff. Only they’d studied their Bibles (and BoM’s) real hard and I hadn’t, I just knew what I’d picked up from going to church (VERY infrequently I might add) and from my mom who’s a cradle Catholic too and totally devout to this day, meanwhile they had all kinds of carefully constructed arguments full of Bible power. I did the best I could explaining that we don’t worship the Pope or Mary and that we choose to enforce Celibacy so our Clergy will not be divided amongst wife and God and more apt to serve God in a most efficient manner. Well suffice to say, we finally got back to school and had to unload instruments and stuff and the conversation was dropped, until later,
I was really good friends (in fact they still are) best friends with the 2 Chruch of Christ members and they did (with good intentions) showed me a pile of Chick tracts and showed me a copy of what I didn’t know at the time was Loraine Boettner’s Roman Catholicism, well I glanced thru the book, but one thing kept me from taking stock in what the book said, the fact that it was published by a Presbetyrian company which made me assume it wasn’t going to be accurate so I decided to go to my local Priests and mom and find out better info, well me and my folks sat down and went thru the Chick tracts with the NAB in hand and refuted a large majority of the Chick tracts (not very hard actually) and held steady in my faith, but certain things still bothered me i.e. infant baptism, a relative inability to refute Mary having other kids and some other more specific things. So I was still questioning the Chruch, well this had got me back into attending Mass and joined a small (and short lived sadly enough) Catholic youth group. I also started studying apologetics stuff too.
We went to some seminar “youth retreat” thing wayyyyyy out in some city I can’t remember, maybe St. Petersburg and I met some one who would change my views of Catholocism,
Tim Staples.
Yes, hearing his conversion story was cool and dandy and all, but what really got me was here was a Catholic standing up on an out door tent stage spouting line after line after line from the Bible ALL supporting the RCC lines of thinking and faith. So here I was sitting there thinking, WOW this dude is the MAN! So I went and pestered him

Later on though in high school and on into college I fell away from the church hard and became totally agnostic, I wasn’t dumb enough to be atheist (I figure that’s REALLY shootin yourself in the foot if you’re wrong) and lived a very Godless life and was only worried about getting rich, getting laid and a variety of other stupid things which left me sad because I wasn’t rich, wasn’t getting laid (good thing actually) and was still too grounded with the desire to lead a very moral life regardless of my godlessness at the time. This was me for a couple of years,