How would one be able to refute this argument that the fine tuning argument of God isn’t acceptable because " there are so many galaxies and planets " or “the multiverse”.
Thanks and God Bless!!!
You do not have to refute those answers. You can just ask what evidence they have for, let’s say, “multiverse”.
For the common refrain of the atheists is “There is no evidence for God!!!”. Well, do they have much evidence for that “multiverse”?
Let’s see what evidence they offered there… Actually, not much, to say the least. Things like “I am not claiming to speak for all atheists of course, but my personal belief is that every possible universe ‘exists’, at least in some sense.”, “In terms of solving the fine tuning paradox, the multiverse need only be a thought experiment.”…
The same holds for other answers, like “So as I said, pi cannot be different. This is the same with the other constants, such as the gravitational constant (G), Plank’s constant (h), the Hubble constant (H0), the speed of light in a vacuum (c) and the list goes on and on.”. How exactly does he know that?
Thus in practice much of their “evidence” seems to end up mostly being an argument going like this:
- Fine tuning argument demonstrates that either God exists or multiverse exists.
- Accepting that God exists would lead to having to acknowledge things like having been wrong, sinfulness, need for repentance etc.
- Therefore, multiverse has to exist.
So, fine tuning argument tends to provoke some atheists into showing their inconsistency, their bias.