How do Catholics deal with depression and forgiveness of self?

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I really could use a friendly ear for guidance and encouragement today. I have struggled the past few years of coming to my faith with staying strong in my faith. A lot of times I pray every day, read my Bible, and feel genuinely strong and optimistic about my faith and the future. But, a lot of times I get really down on myself. I question my faith in general and worry that what if it is all just a story and we have it all wrong? I beat myself up about all the horrible choices I have made in my life and I think, how could God possibly love me and forgive me? It is like every awful decision I have ever made in my life will play over and over in my head. I feel like it is all worthless and I should not even try to get right with God as the Church would see it because it doesn’t matter any way. I get such bad self-esteem and I can’t stand anything about myself. I hate when I get this way because it takes me a while to pick myself back up. I get such anxiety about the future and, I know this may sound silly, that God is going to punish me severely in the future because of all the bad things I have done. I have not been able to participate in the eucharist because I am not in right standing yet and I haven’t been able to go to Church besides viewing it online. I have tried to force myself to keep studying about the faith to keep my mind off of these thoughts but I can’t even force myself these past few days. My question is, do parishes have counselors available they can refer you to? I would like to find a counselor that is within the Church. I would feel really silly calling my Parish to ask this question if they do not.
It doesn’t matter what sins you have committed, Our Lord Jesus Christ is always ready to take back a repentant sinner. He is always waiting for us to go confidently into His arms.

Perhaps talk to a priest first, and ask him about how to get Catholic counseling.
Maybe look into the Stephen Ministry. They provide a kind, listening ear.
The hardest person to forgive is often ourselves.

When we pray the Lord’s prayer; we tell God to forgive us in exactly the same way that we forgive others. The more we are able to forgive others, the more we come to understand how we can also be forgiven.

Jesus died for you and for me; this has to give us hope.
Well, make a contrition where you are sorry for offending God (and not fear of punishment). Being contrite purely for offending God, and wanting to go to Confession when possible, means you have a perfect contrition. This means you are forgiven.
Pray, pray much! God is loving and kind. Remember that.

My advice is prayer. You know deep within some of your fears are silly to hold. Pray, hope, and don’t worry, in the words of a great saint.
Most diocese’ have a Catholic counseling center at the diocese pastoral center.
I’m wondering if you can go for Reconciliation. Having received absolution, it’s best for you to forget your sins and go forth.

Also, having a strict purpose prevents you from getting bogged down.
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