I recently found out that the children’s sponsorship program I contributed to also proudly teaches young children (ages 10 and up) about contraceptives, condoms, etc. so that they can make proper “life choices.” The concern in this area of the world is that there is a lot of unplanned pregnancies, STDs and AIDS. They feel they are doing the right thing to have 15-year old girls help “mentor” younger girls about contraceptives. Apparently, they believe it’s a good thing if the children can name at least three contraceptives. I learned this information in a newsletter that talked about nothing except how proud of this program they are. I immediately called, and ended my contributions because of my Catholic beliefs on contraceptives. I received an email today, however, from someone at this group (see below). I feel this is an opportunity to inform and share the faith, but would like ideas from others on how best to say what needs to be said. So, please, what does everyone think? Thanks for your help!!
"I just learned that you have decided to terminate your sponsorship with [children’s sponsorship group] because of concerns about the content in our program. First of all I want to thank you for having supported our program which does indeed make a difference in the lives of the children and adolescents with whom we work.
I also wanted to let you know that our entire program is about providing information and opportunities to adolescents so they can make decisions about their own lives. The program is comprehensive in that it addresses vocational and career planning, technology, by offering teens an opportunity to learn more about and become proficient in computer use, and as mentioned in our newsletter, sexual and reproductive health. Our work in this area is directed toward reducing the very high teen age pregnancy rate. We do this by offering teenagers in the program information about various contraceptive methods including abstinence. We provide information and teenagers make their own choices. We do not advocate for any one method, and only provide information on those methods that are approved by the government.
Again, I wanted to thank you for being one of our sponsors. Should you have further questions please let me know."
"I just learned that you have decided to terminate your sponsorship with [children’s sponsorship group] because of concerns about the content in our program. First of all I want to thank you for having supported our program which does indeed make a difference in the lives of the children and adolescents with whom we work.
I also wanted to let you know that our entire program is about providing information and opportunities to adolescents so they can make decisions about their own lives. The program is comprehensive in that it addresses vocational and career planning, technology, by offering teens an opportunity to learn more about and become proficient in computer use, and as mentioned in our newsletter, sexual and reproductive health. Our work in this area is directed toward reducing the very high teen age pregnancy rate. We do this by offering teenagers in the program information about various contraceptive methods including abstinence. We provide information and teenagers make their own choices. We do not advocate for any one method, and only provide information on those methods that are approved by the government.
Again, I wanted to thank you for being one of our sponsors. Should you have further questions please let me know."