When I became Catholic (Easter 2009) most of my Protestant friends stopped speaking to me, period. However, one of these has “hung in there” with me, but it seems that every time we speak, she brings up religion and asks me pointed questions about Catholicism. She never asks me about anything that we have in common with Protestants. She always asks things like “Our church is about 50% ex-Catholics. How does the Catholic Church view these people?” (I answered light-heartedly that we love them as prodigal sons, and that we pray they will return to the Church.) Another question: “So I suppose you think my daughter is going to Hell because she had in-vitro fertilization?” (I told her that I do not make those judgements, fortunately, but I leave them to the Lord.) The problem is that she always is offended by my answers, no matter what the question is or how charitably I try to answer. It has become such a pattern that I am convinced she baits me with these questions. It doesn’t seem that she actually wants information, just a fight. What advice would you give me in answering her questions? Debbie