How do I avoid the rich man's fate...?

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As presented this week…I’ll give a very modest amount to charity every now and then, give $5 or so to my parish weekly, help my fiancee and brother when I can financially, but I don’t give a HUGE amount to charity, don’t usually volunteer to help the homeless, poor, hungry, etc…
So am I doing enough…? I know there’s always room for improvement but I’m wondering…
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So am I doing enough…? I know there’s always room for improvement but I’m wondering
I think if you’re wondering if what you’re doing is enough, looking for improvement… that might be the Holy Spirit talking to you… telling you there is something for you too do?

Have you tried looking to you’re church, maybe there is something there you can volunteer for… giving doesn’t always have to be financial. Also talking to your priest might help

The Holy Spirit is talking to you… and sounds like you’re listening just not sure what to do.
It’s not just about money. We should give our time, treasure, and talent. If you feel like there is more you could be doing, there probably is. I feel this way myself.
I just donated $10 to Catholic Charities USA and set it up monthly…meh, it’s not much but it’s a start…I’ll have to figure out how to give more later on…
If you don’t feel like you’re doing enough for the church, join a charity organization (like the Knights of Columbus) and donate your time as well as your money.
It’s always better to give than to receive. Each person’s situation is different so there is no general rule. There are also spiritual works of mercy that you can perform.
To avoid the rich man’s fate, share what you have. Ultimately, everything comes from God anyway, so don’t hang onto it rather allow God to bless others through you.

I read somewhere to set up a tithing account, put 10% of all money you have now & 10% of all gross money you receive and then use that money, like a 1/3 to your Parish, a third to your favorite charity, a 1/3 to your Diocese & the balance towards the religious education/catechism of your child or someone else’s child & as time goes on, increase the % put into that account. Inspired by the article, I just set up my own tithing account about 2 months ago, it’s so freeing & fun to find people in need to help them & somehow we still miraculously have everything we need.
Probably not getting too attached to material goods and recognizing that every human being is a child of God with the same dignity as you.
We’ve had a few Sunday readings talking about this that I think go together very well. Probably why someone decided to string them together in the first place! lol

Aug 4th we had the parable of the rich fool who decided to tear down his barns and build bigger barns to store his grain and goods. Luke 12:13-21. Jesus says “So it is who store treasures for themselves but are not rich toward God.”

Aug 11th the Gospel is Luke 12:32-48
“Make purses for yourselves that do not wear out, an unfailing treasure in heaven, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys.”

Every day do a morning offering of the day ahead, and offer all your joys and struggles in union with Christ for the conversion of sinners, as our Blessed Mother asked at Fatima. All those tiresome, repetitive tasks, can become coin to purchase grace for others. We can be like the little boy who brings a few fish and loaves and Christ feeds the 5 thousand. Take your ordinary daily tasks and make them a force for good.
Our priest reminded us today in his homily for the feast of St. Therese, that she never left the convent, yet she was proclaimed Patroness of the Missions along with St. Francis Xavier . As a Carmelite, she would have no opportunity to financially help anyone, but she did perform many acts of mercy toward her sisters in community. The spiritual works of prayer and acts of sacrifice for others was immensely effective in obtaining salvation for the world missions.
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