How do I convert my family?

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Except for two fallen away in-laws, I am the only practicing Catholic in a family RLDS (i.e., followers of Joseph Smith, Jr.; Book of Mormon).

Does anyone have any suggestions on how I might attract my family to the Faith?

It is so difficult as the RLDS roots are strong in my family, and I feel very overwhelmed battling the perverted history, doctrines, etc., they are mislead by.

Are any of you in similar situations? Have you had any luck exposing family who are staunchly non-catholic to the Faith? What works?
Dear Arch Stanton

I can sympathize with you on this. I am the only Catholic in a very large and very fervant, strict protestant family. Because my family immediately views Catholicism with tremendous bias and suspicion, I found that bashing them over the head with apologetics was not the way to go. Instead, I simply live out my Catholic faith! I answer their questions when they ask me, but beyond that I try to live the joy that being a Catholic brings to my life. My joy is something they can’t question or argue against. What they don’t see is me fingering the beads of my rosary, praying desperately for each of them.

In faith,
Arch Stanton:
Are any of you in similar situations? Have you had any luck exposing family who are staunchly non-catholic to the Faith? What works?
Oh, this sounds like an urgent need for the Green Scapular. The Green Scapular’s purpose is conversions. I personally have seen some hard hearts converted in my family that we attribute directly to Our Lady’s intercession through the devotion of the Green Scapular.

Unlike the Brown Scapular, this does not need to be worn. You can simply hide it amongst your family’s belongings - under the matress, under the car seat, deep in the sofa where missing change goes, closets, basement. Where ever.

So go get one, have it blessed, hide it, then say the prayer with faith daily, “Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us now and at the hour of our death.”

Have faith and let Our Mother deliver your prayers to Her son.
Arch Stanton,

This is a tough one, to be sure. There’s no doubt in my mind that some things are much harder to do within a family than from without: I suppose it’s all of those family dynamics that get in the way. Apologetics is of limited use (upfront, that is) unless your family is open to it, and in order to effect that openness, the best you can do is to live your faith to the fullest. Your Catholicism needs to make a visible and tangible change for the better that they can see. That’s more likely to open their hearts or at least cause them to wonder what it is that makes you so good to be around. And make sure you do have a good apologetics background (the sources that others have listed are good) so that you can answr questions when they come up.

I’m the only Catholic in a family of fallen-away Catholics. I make no secret of my faith, and talk about things I hear at Mass, at conferences, etc. However, I know that if I try to challenge the beliefs of my sisters or “push” in any way, they will react more badly to me than they would to a stranger.
Yes, pray for help from Our Lady.
Also, there was recently a convert from Mormonism on The Journey Home with Marcus Grodi. The date it aired was Jan. 3, 2005, and the guest was Thomas Smith. He was 7th generation Mormon, so think about what he was up against! You can listen to this on realaudio - follow the links on TJH page.
God Bless You
Mary Keep You
Arch Stanton:
Except for two fallen away in-laws, I am the only practicing Catholic in a family RLDS (i.e., followers of Joseph Smith, Jr.; Book of Mormon).

Does anyone have any suggestions on how I might attract my family to the Faith?

It is so difficult as the RLDS roots are strong in my family, and I feel very overwhelmed battling the perverted history, doctrines, etc., they are mislead by.

Are any of you in similar situations? Have you had any luck exposing family who are staunchly non-catholic to the Faith? What works?
I don’t believe anyone can convert anyone else to the Catholic faith; this is the job for the Holy Spirit.
There are a few little things you can do: Try leaving a few CA tracts, or Karl Keatings book Catholicism and Fundamentalism around the house where they can see them. When your not around I’m sure they will try reading the literature. Don’t make it too obvious.
Re: Green Scapular

I placed a green scapular in the framework of my parents’ bed. Unfortunately, said bed and framework was taken apart and I presume they discarded the scapular upon finding it.

Also, I realize it will not be I who converts them but the Holy Spirit. I just want to give them a little guidance if I can, after all they are my family and as I am the only catholic in their midst, I feel a responsibility to give them some exposure to the faith.
Guys - I’m sorry but this conversion-through-hiding-a-green-scapular in someone’s bed just sounds so weird to me, almost creepy. It seems like the kind of materialistic superstition that anti-Catholics just love to jump on.

That aside, ask yourselves this question: if hiding some material object in someone’s belongings had this miraculous power to make them unwittingly change their minds about something as important as Faith, is that the kind of conversion you want?
Hi Arch, Just pray for them and let the Holy Spirit do the rest. 👍 God Bless
Hi Arch,

I completely understand how you feel. For a long time I was the only member of my large family that was a Catholic. I was a 3rd Generation Assembly of God/Pentecostal Church of God/ United Pentecostal Church (lol…yeah, I know “WHAT A MIX!”) anyway, my whole family believed that my conversion to the Catholic Church was a “backslide” on my part.

I have had family members look me right in the face and say: “When are you going to get right with God? When are going to stop playing around and repent?” So, I completely know what it is like to be “out in the cold” with reguards to family. However, last year there was a “breakthrough” in my family. Let me give you the testimony about this “breakthrough”:

I was invited to come live with my grandparents out in New Mexico and help on their dairy farm. I took them up on this invitation, and left Texas for New Mexico. At that time my aunt (a pentecostal pastor) and her husband, and her 5 children where also living with my grandparents on the dairy farm and helping out.

Now, I believe that everything that happens…happens for a reason, so I left Texas (a little scared at first) because I knew that I would be living with the branch of my “family tree” that was considerably more “conservative” than my family back in Texas…so, I knew that living my faith out in New Mexico would be difficult, but I felt that is where God wanted me to go.

Well, to make a long story short I got out to New Mexico, and went to work on the farm…everyday, I would wake at 5 am…eat breakfast, from 5:30 to 6 I would work…at 6 am I would pray the Angelus, then at 11:30 we would break for lunch…at 12 I would pray the Angelus…then we would work in the afternoon…and every evening I would pray my rosary…(every time I would pray, I would dedicate that prayer for my family…I would ask our Blessed Mother’s intercession for everyone, but “especially for those who are most open to the faith”…one evening my aunt (the pastor) saw me in my room praying the rosary…she came in very quitely, and I could feel someone looking at me…I looked up at her and said “oh, I’m sorry…” she said, “no, don’t stop…thats ok…can I join you?” I said sure…she said “you will have to help me, because I don’t know how to do this…” “sure, I said once again…” we then begain praying the rosary again…and she would just cry during the entire prayer…then she started going to Mass with me some…

eventually she was enrolled in RCIA…now, this past year at Easter her, and her 5 children where received into the Church…

her husband was not as open…and he is not Catholic…YET! But I have given him over to the Blessed Mother…and he does not know it yet…but He will be one of us!

So, Arch…don’t feel discouraged…there is someone in your family that is more open to the faith than others…so, just pray…especially to our Blessed Mother…and ask her to pray for your family, but especially for those that are most open to the faith!

God Is So Good!


Dear Arch,
I am writing you off line because I sincerely think I have a group for you. There is a Vatican family minsistry called Couples for Christ (CFC). I know they can help you because they helped me when I converted. I too am the only Catholic in my family. CFC also has a branch dedicated to young men and women (Singles for Christ -SFC) and for Youth and Kids. We will not help you convert your family, but we will give you a spiritual community in which you can praise God and fellowship with other Christ-centered Catholics. Our Web site is
Arch Stanton:
Except for two fallen away in-laws, I am the only practicing Catholic in a family RLDS (i.e., followers of Joseph Smith, Jr.; Book of Mormon).

Does anyone have any suggestions on how I might attract my family to the Faith?

It is so difficult as the RLDS roots are strong in my family, and I feel very overwhelmed battling the perverted history, doctrines, etc., they are mislead by.

Are any of you in similar situations? Have you had any luck exposing family who are staunchly non-catholic to the Faith? What works?
Good luck on that one! I am the only practicing Catholic in an interesting hogpog collection of faiths in my family. I have a mormon, new age mother, fundamentalist, fallen-away lutherans, baptist, and fallen-away catholics. Some more in there too.
You could go the route I am taking now. Right now I am soon to finish my Apologia Pro Fide Sua, basically a long detailed treastise on why I am Catholic, currently 70 pages. I enjoy writing it.
Hi Arch, Just pray for them and let the Holy Spirit do the rest. 👍 God Bless
So, if this is true why did Jesus establish a Church? Why be evangelical? Why be here? Why read the Bible (a book of Catholic Tradition)? WHy have clergy?

Your comment is illogical at best.:whacky: The Mormans say if you come to their stakehouse with them and you have a good time then that means the Holy Spirit in you is calling you into the Mormon church. Who is right, spoken or the Mormons? Who has the Holy Spirit leading them, spoken or Mormons?

Jesus established a Church. We need to follow His Church the Catholic Church (i.e. not protestant).

The Mormons are one of the fastest growing sects in the US. Praying for them alone has not been enough. We must bring the truth to them. The Mormons are growing faster then the Baptists! But then any group that is growing is growing faster then the Baptists since they are now at zero growth in the US!

To counter Mormon teachings get their 4 holy books. Then get books and tapes written by EX-Mormons on the problems with the Mormon faith. Do not go to biggots like James White or Utah Lighthouse Ministries. They mix truth and lies. Once you know the problems with the Mormon faith then politely question Mormons on what they believe. Overtime ask them to answer questions and the later point out its errors. The errors of Joe’s sect are enormous but well hidden by the Mormon church.

The proccess of bringing them truth can take years. Be patient and work slowly. Do not rush it or they my close their mind.

Jesus established His Church to spread His Gospel. If you are Catholic (Eastern or Western rite) then you are a part of that Church and are called upon to spread His Gospel.

Try these books/tapes too:

No Man Knows My History : The Life of Joseph Smith by Fawn M. Brodie

The adio tape Mormonism: A Catholic Perspective

I strongly recommend the tape Inside Mormanism by Tom Smith at this link too:

Don’t forget to write notes in you BOM on each error and have one KJV Bible to make notes in just on the Mormon erros. The free Bible the Mormons give out is too small to keep good notes in.

I like to order a Free BOM every few month so the ‘elders’ can deliver it to me and I can evagelize them from the comfort of my living room!😃
Why would you want to convert your family? Wouldn’t it be better to let your family make their own decisions? What personal business of yours is it to forge their faith. This is where people of other religions get annoyed with people trying to convert us. I can’t tell you how many times I have been preached too. My reply has always been “prove to me that its worth while for me to join”. Not One member of my family has been able to give me a good reason. The whole salvation thing doesnt do it, plus I don’t like giving up my Sundays. Let your family members make up their own minds and don’t push your beliefs on them.
I was invited to come live with my grandparents out in New Mexico and help on their dairy farm. I took them up on this invitation, and left Texas for New Mexico. At that time my aunt (a pentecostal pastor) and her husband, and her 5 children where also living with my grandparents on the dairy farm and helping out. …one evening my aunt (the pastor) saw me in my room praying the rosary…she came in very quitely, and I could feel someone looking at me…I looked up at her and said “oh, I’m sorry…” she said, “no, don’t stop…thats ok…can I join you?” I said sure…she said “you will have to help me, because I don’t know how to do this…” “sure, I said once again…” we then begain praying the rosary again…and she would just cry during the entire prayer…then she started going to Mass with me some…eventually she was enrolled in RCIA…now, this past year at Easter her, and her 5 children where received into the Church…
Thank you so much for that beautiful and most inspirational story. I very much needed that today!
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