Ok. I have gotten into some debates with friends about celibacy and sex abuse. My secular humanist friends claim sex abuse in RCC was largely caused by celibacy and there would be significantly less of it, and more prompt exposure and reporting of it, if rule were done away with.
I countered that by saying most Catholic abuses cases are decades old, while pedophilia/sex abuse is a fairly common and well investigated crime by officers today.The majority of abusers are married men ( I think?) and even more importantly, pretty much all pedophiles arrested this year were men who took no vows of celibacy, and were not "sexually repressed " in any way. I work for a foster care advocacy center, and pretty much all the children I hear we represent who suffered physical/sexual abuse, were done so by famil/family friends, but not priests

Yet part of me has doubts that celibacy did not cause any of this. In some big U.S cities, such as Los Angeles and Boston, the pedophiles composed 10% of the priesthood. There seems to have been rife sex abuse of children by many monks in Australia and Ireland, so much so that Irish Christian Brothers ( a once prominent and famous order of educational monks) is now pretty much extinct. I have even heard of cases of orders of monks funding the defense of their cofreres even after they have been indicted and sentenced for abuse. Is there any validity to my doubts/thoughts or is it just silliness?
Not even related to abuse, but why not let priests marry and date like everyone else? What is it to the hierarchy really if a priest just wants a girlfriend or a wife? Why must that be not allowed? I am curious…
I countered that by saying most Catholic abuses cases are decades old, while pedophilia/sex abuse is a fairly common and well investigated crime by officers today.The majority of abusers are married men ( I think?) and even more importantly, pretty much all pedophiles arrested this year were men who took no vows of celibacy, and were not "sexually repressed " in any way. I work for a foster care advocacy center, and pretty much all the children I hear we represent who suffered physical/sexual abuse, were done so by famil/family friends, but not priests

Yet part of me has doubts that celibacy did not cause any of this. In some big U.S cities, such as Los Angeles and Boston, the pedophiles composed 10% of the priesthood. There seems to have been rife sex abuse of children by many monks in Australia and Ireland, so much so that Irish Christian Brothers ( a once prominent and famous order of educational monks) is now pretty much extinct. I have even heard of cases of orders of monks funding the defense of their cofreres even after they have been indicted and sentenced for abuse. Is there any validity to my doubts/thoughts or is it just silliness?
Not even related to abuse, but why not let priests marry and date like everyone else? What is it to the hierarchy really if a priest just wants a girlfriend or a wife? Why must that be not allowed? I am curious…