How do I dermine...?

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Aright I had a couple of questions and I didn’t want to take up the entire first three pages of this forums posting a thread for each one.

First,1 Cor 6:16 “Do you not know that whoever is united to a prostitute becomes one body with her? For it is said, ‘the two shall be one flesh’”. Does this mean that one is married to the first one that one sleeps with?

Second, How out there should we going for converts and how for introverted should we be in respecting other peoples faith? I get kinda of conflicting messages on the issue.

Third, when the aposlte Paul said that he wished that all were like him (ceilibate) but, each of us has our own gift, how do we know for sure that we have the gift of any sort (and the fuzzy feeling inside isn’t indigestion or a temporary buzz that will fade within the next couple of months)?

Fourth, I know that we are called to good works but, how do I detirmine which good works I would be best suited too?

Thanks and God bless.
For your fourth question - What is / are your talents? Why would God give you a talent that He didn’t want you to use for good? If you think about this, then you’ll be able to work out good works that you would be well suited to.

Another thing about what good works should you do, are what good works do you have the opportunity to do? Sometimes you might find yourself in a unique situation - for example, if there is someone who looks up to you and listens to you, then you have the opportunity to set a good example for them and help direct them towards God. Whether or not you have the talent for that, you still have the situation - especially if there is no one else who that person trusts or looks up to who would guide them in that same direction.

Do you kind of see what I mean?
Montie Claunch:
First,1 Cor 6:16 “Do you not know that whoever is united to a prostitute becomes one body with her? For it is said, ‘the two shall be one flesh’”. Does this mean that one is married to the first one that one sleeps with?

yes the sex act creates a bond between two people, that is one of its intended purposes, the other being procreation. that is way the two can never be separated, that is why even a one night stand has damaging effects and causes pain and suffering, and that is why any premarital sex interferes with the marriage bond, and makes it difficult or impossible to remain faithful within marriage.
Montie Claunch:
First,1 Cor 6:16 “Do you not know that whoever is united to a prostitute becomes one body with her? For it is said, ‘the two shall be one flesh’”. Does this mean that one is married to the first one that one sleeps with?
I take that as a warning…you are who you sleep with, and so beware. Also a very wise Apostle…because it is true. Women have a hormone…gosh I forgot the name of it…that does several things…begins labor, starts lactation, bonds mother to child, and bonds woman to the man that she has relations with…
Second, How out there should we going for converts and how for introverted should we be in respecting other peoples faith? I get kinda of conflicting messages on the issue.
You can witness quietly, and respect others religions at the same time. I have found that just having a rosary hanging in my car has lead to conversation…witness by your way of life.
Third, when the aposlte Paul said that he wished that all were like him (ceilibate) but, each of us has our own gift, how do we know for sure that we have the gift of any sort (and the fuzzy feeling inside isn’t indigestion or a temporary buzz that will fade within the next couple of months)?
Ahhhh…this is harder. This takes prayer and patience…and moving on if you aren’t in the right place…when you find your place…my opinion is that you’ll know.
Fourth, I know that we are called to good works but, how do I detirmine which good works I would be best suited too?

Thanks and God bless.
Good works can be anything…talking to the Wal-mart cashier, tithing, visiting an old folks home, working for the food pantry at Church, raising good God loving Children (man…is that ever a work)…whatever activity that you want to go back to again and again…you would be most suited to.

Thank you Montie for help on my thread! My daughter witnesses by wearing a proud to be catholic tee…buy one and see what happens!
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