First, live the faith. Don’t just give it “lip service.” Believe me most people can tell the difference. So lead by example. Of course daily prayer and attending Mass is paramount.
Second, be prepared to defend the faith should cause arise. It could be someone quoting scripture and explaining it in a way that is erroneous. Do you know scripture well enough to defend it, explain it, and provide solid examples to others.
Other actions may be as simple as wearing modest clothing, wearing a crucifix or sharing how God has helped you in difficult times. I have to say though, remember that actions speak a whole lot louder than words. All the pious speeches and outward activities mean nothing, if you simply turn around and sin constantly, violate the commandments and are abusive, violent, impatient with others.
A daily examination of conscience in light of the Commandments and teachings of the Church is a helpful way to monitor your progress. Good luck.