Hi Mindy,
The Bible teaches us to imitate and venerate Mary.
–To imitate Mary
In Luke 1, 38, she says, “I am the handmaid of the Lord, be it done to me according to your word.” She accepts the word of the Lord without hesitation. Contrast this with what happens to Zachary in vv. 18-22, because he doubted the word of the Lord. Mary’s attitude is praised in v. 45, “Blessed is she who believed in the accomplishment of what she was told by the Lord.”
This is an example of humble submission to God’s will.
In v. 39, we are told of Mary’s love of neighbor. As soon as she learns of her relatives pregnancy, she sets out “in haste” to help her. She did not need to be told; she went “with haste”.
In ch. 2. v 19, we are told that Mary “treasured all these things and and turned them over in her mind.” Meditating on the life of Jesus is highly productive for our spiritual life.
In John 19,25, we read, “Next to the cross of Jesus stood Mary his mother.” Mary is not falling apart. She is standing by her Son, espousing his sacrifice for our salvation. This is also the mission of every Christian in the world, to help save the world by being witnesses to Christ’s sacrifice who died for us all.
To venerate Mary
In Luke 1, 48-49, we read, “From now on, all generations shall call me blessed because the Almighty has done great things for me”.
This is a prophecy of God, and is therefore also a command do all Christians to take an active part in honoring Mary.