How can I answer someone’s “You Catholics changed everything when you celebrate the Sabbath on Sunday as opposed to the real Sabbath which is Saturday”. I am not sure myself why and I want to be able to give an intelligent answer. By the way, this person is SDA.
Here is a little different approach…
Tell your SDA friend that you do not keep Saturday for two main reasons…
First, because you are not Jewish and the 7th day Sabbath was a Sabbath given as a sign between himself and Israel, not between himself and Israel and us Gentiles. “Moreover also I gave them my sabbaths, to be a sign between me and them, that they might know that I am the Lord that sanctify them. Ezekiel 20:12”
Second, You keep the Lords day because of scriptures command to view the church as the “foundation and pillar of all truth” 1 Tim. 3:15, and your desire to follow God’s word and will. If our understanding of the Sabbath is in opposition to the church’s then we must realize that only the church was held up as the pillar and foundation of truth, not ourselves or anyone else.
There is not one command for Christians (i.e. after the deat of Christ) to keep the 7th day Jewish sabbath. In fact, as other posters have shown, we are specifically told that it was done away with. As if that were not enough, the church, as the pillar and foundation of all truth, has also confirmed that this is the correct understanding of the Sabbath issue by telling us that we are not bound to keep the Jewish Sabbath. Finally, the third and final witness is the sacred tradition of the Church which from the 1st century has been showing us that we are not obligated to keep the Jewish Sabbath.
So, start with scripture telling us to look to the Church for truth, combine that with scripture’s lack of a command or instruction for Christians to keep the Sabbath, combined again with scripture’s several references to the sabbath being abolished, and finally, add the witness of the Holy Tradition and writings of the Church Fathers and you have the reason that we as Catholics do not observe the Jewish Sabbath.