How do I fast?

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I would like to completely abstain from food for a day or two to learn to control the desires of the flesh. What has your experience with fasting been? What advice can you give me? What attitude should I have when fasting? Also, is abstainig from food completely dangerous?

Thank you šŸ™‚
Fasting from food for a day or two will not harm your body. We have to fast for 24 hours before surgery, right?

If you fast from food make sure you drink plenty of water. When fasting, the tendency is to shut down and not to drink, but you must drink water, because abstaining from water can harm your kidneys. But you can abstain in other ways. If you eat a lot of bread, fasting on bread and water is no great sacrifice. (Especially, if you get a wonderfully fresh loaf from the bakery) The idea is to abstain from things you really enjoy. If food is not terribly important to you, fasting from something else makes a lot of sense. Watch your temper. If you flare up at people while fasting, you have undone the good effects of fasting. People will say itā€™s the Devil tempting you. Wellā€¦ yes and no. The way our body chemistry works is far more to blame than the Devil.

You may want to take a look at the following link:
Iā€™m finishing up the Story of a Soul (therese of lisieux). In the three months prior to her entering the Carmel, she practiced ā€œlittle mortifications,ā€ of the flesh, like sitting straight in her chair without using the chair back, or doing good deeds and kindnesses in total anonymity (that is, with no desire to be found out and thanked or praised for what she did). These were hard and she felt a bigger challenge for her than difficult mortifications (like fasts and hair shirts) that Celine, her sister, would do. something to consider.
Herminone, I have been participating in the ā€œE5 menā€ which refers to ephesians 5:25 ā€œHusbands love your wives as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.ā€ It requires one day of fasting on bread and water a month for your wife or future bride. I have found it very rewarding and not very difficult at all to keep a good and positive attitude through out the day.
The hardest fast for me is from Mass of the Lordā€™s Supper (Holy Thursday) until the Easter Vigil Mass. Its only 2 days - but I always seem to be cooking things on Holy Saturday to take to the after-vigil festivities - and its really hard to fast while cooking!
is this same thread on another forum, or I am I having a senior moment, please, multiple postings are extremely confusing for someone like me who is already confused (see my screen name)
is this same thread on another forum, or I am I having a senior moment, please, multiple postings are extremely confusing for someone like me who is already confused (see my screen name)
:rotfl: No! There are two identical threads going on at the same time. It was in fact my senior moment that activated this one.
If youā€™re a caffeine addict (like me šŸ˜› ), itā€™s a good idea to go off all caffeine 48 hours before the fast starts. One of the main symptoms of caffeine withdrawal is a headache, and a combination of a splitting headache and serious hongries is enough to drive many fasters screaming back to the fridge.

Water Dave! Drink lots of water! I am a caffeine addict myself, and I can attest that drinking lost of water does the trick!
Fasting from food for a day or two will not harm your body. We have to fast for 24 hours before surgery, right?

It is not completely safe for everyone to fast. I for one have hypoglycemia, and can get very ill if I miss even one mealā€¦diabetics may incounter the same problem. Ask a doctor if you personally will be effected dangerously.

Fasting is not meant to be comfortable, I knowā€¦but donā€™t put yourself at an unnecessary risk.
StephiePea said:
It is not completely safe for everyone to fast. I for one have hypoglycemia, and can get very ill if I miss even one mealā€¦diabetics may incounter the same problemā€¦ Ask a doctor if you personally will be effected dangerouslyā€¦donā€™t put yourself at an unnecessary risk.

Ah I agree! I would have thought that was a foregone conclusion. Pregnant women and children under 12, the elderly and anyone with a health problem should not be fasting. If one is diabetic or suffers from hypoglycemia, there are already so many restrictions what can be eaten and when; the discipline of fasting is redundant. The way I look at it Stephie, you are already fasting every day.
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