How Do I Give Everything Up to God?

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How does one give everything up to God. I mean, I have read and been told that if you struggle with something to do this but I’m not sure what to do in the meantime. For example, say I give to God a struggle that I’m having such as a habitual sin… how do I not be passive during this time? I mean, I assume I shouldn’t just be sitting around waiting for something to happen. However, I find that I have tried to hand things over to God and then continue to try to take care of them (therefore not actually doing the former). I guess my questions is: when I give something to God to take care of, what am I supposed to do in the meantime…

Ideally, you trust that He will show you how to deal with it so that you are successful in avoiding the sin. Give it time. Trust is key. Focus on trusting Him after you give it to Him. Then go about your life and trust that He will empower you to deal with whatever it is in a way that is pleasing to Him.
how do I not be passive during this time? I mean, I assume I shouldn’t just be sitting around waiting for something to happen.
Yes, this is an essential part. One must not only make a willful choice to lay it on the altar, but to work to fill the place it held in one’s life. Daily Mass is best, so you can place that habitual sin on the altar in person.

Reading scripture or listen to audio scripture (my favorite) will also drive negative thoughts from your mind and replace them with the Word of God.

It also helps to get your mind off yourself by finding persons in need and ministering to them. Volunteering at the parish or a diocesan ministry, or any agency that serves those in need.

43 “When the unclean spirit has gone out of a man, he passes through waterless places seeking rest, but he finds none. 44 Then he says, ‘I will return to my house from which I came.’ And when he comes he finds it empty, swept, and put in order. 45 Then he goes and brings with him seven other spirits more evil than himself, and they enter and dwell there; and the last state of that man becomes worse than the first. So shall it be also with this evil generation.” Matt. 12

We must fill the house with things that will keep evil at bay. A room that if full of light will not have any place for darkness.
Mental prayer is a good way to overcome flaws and make resolutions that will help you overcome sin and detach yourself. Paired with devotion to Mary it should very simply as long as you have a good spiritual director and perserverance.
You can’t simply hand over the things which you yourself has to do, to God for taking care of and wait for God’s direction. Remember Jesus words:
Render therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s; and to God, the things that are God’s." - Matthew 22:21
Do the things according to your conscience and best judgement.Pray to God to help you.But don’t wait saying that you have entrusted everything to God and is expecting his direction ,as God accepts only those things which are due to him and want that other things you should do as per the worldly reqirement.
I don’t think this is just in regards to sin. It could be anything. It could be problems, worries, and other things.
I think God doesn’t wash the dishes for you. You have to wash yourself… seek the Will and blessings of God for what ever you want to do.
If you give up something, logically it has to be a replacement for it. Think of it that way then it is simpler for you to take the necessary action.

If you give up pornography, for example, what would you replace it with in your life?

Of course, it is quite obvious. When you put Jesus in the center of your life, it would become clear what you need to give up. They are things that are not compatible with Jesus.

The obvious action taken is to stop doing them but instead when you are supposed to do it, claim it in Jesus’ name that you do not want it anymore. It also means you have to get rid of the physical presence and symbols what you are giving up. Erase those websites and memories from your computer so that you cannot go into them anymore.

In other word, your action of giving up something should involve mental, spiritual and physical action.

God bless.
They saying forming a good habit takes about 5 to 6 weeks.
That’s if your serious.

The only time to be bodily passive - is when deep in prayer.
Never liked the word passive - so close to being lazy…
Then it’s one of the seven deadly sins “ S L O T H F U L N E S S “
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