I want to help a friend with mental illness/ spiritual issues whom I just established contact with after 5 years. I used to be fairly good friends with him and he was really into the faith, especially Marian spirituality. He actually introduced me to Marian spirituality and the Marian visions of the 20th century, which helped me out a great deal over the past 15 years.
Well, college took its toll on him as well a host of personal problems, including drugs. He drifted away from the church as many of us have done and became a Budhist of sorts. He also got deep into drugs after this point. I know that spiritual problems and excessive guilt led him down this dead end path. I tried to talk with him about his problems back then, but I never felt like I got through to him and I didn’t have all of my spiritual stuff together, so I was incomplete in my counseling. A few years later, he had some sort of mental breakdown and has been on a roller coaster ride of ups and downs ever since. He was doing better lately as he was taking care of his father who was dying. Now his father has died and I fear his mental troubles may overtake him again.
I want to help him beyond just praying for him, which I have been doing. I want to be the friend that I should have been in the past. Does anyone have any suggestions or any experience with mental illness? I am just looking for any advice out there. Thanks in advance.
Well, college took its toll on him as well a host of personal problems, including drugs. He drifted away from the church as many of us have done and became a Budhist of sorts. He also got deep into drugs after this point. I know that spiritual problems and excessive guilt led him down this dead end path. I tried to talk with him about his problems back then, but I never felt like I got through to him and I didn’t have all of my spiritual stuff together, so I was incomplete in my counseling. A few years later, he had some sort of mental breakdown and has been on a roller coaster ride of ups and downs ever since. He was doing better lately as he was taking care of his father who was dying. Now his father has died and I fear his mental troubles may overtake him again.
I want to help him beyond just praying for him, which I have been doing. I want to be the friend that I should have been in the past. Does anyone have any suggestions or any experience with mental illness? I am just looking for any advice out there. Thanks in advance.