How do I know for sure what God's calling me to?

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I really feel like God is calling me to the religious life. However, how do I know which Order He is calling me to?
Much prayer. Pray for discernment and for God to clearly indicate His will to you.Also, I often use the “heart not head” method of trying to figure out what God’s will is. If I feel it in my heart after much prayerful meditation, then it is apt to be God inspired. If it is from my head, then it is apt to be false and probably emotionally based.
Have you written for information from the various orders? Gone out to retreats or made visits? Checked out their “rules?” Talked to long-time and newbie members? I’d recommend doing all the above WITH the prayers and contemplation.

Best wishes to you for a long and happy religious life. Be sure to say some prayers for all of us!
God Bless you for accepting a religious calling!! Of course prayer is the best tool for discerning such things, especially in front of the Blessed Sacrament in Adoration. But, for something more concrete, check into local seminaries, monasteries, etc. for retreats or live-in programs designed just for these reasons. A trusted spiritual advisor could also be a great help. If he knows what you are most interested in (ie. contemplation, preaching, missions, pro-life, marian, etc.) he could probably direct you a little more specifically to something that would be right for you. God Love you and guide you on your quest! 😃
in addition to the good advice above, i’d add this:

the answer to the title of your thread is: you don’t. 🙂 throughout the Bible, and throughout history, God has rewarded men for stepping out and doing in faith what they weren’t entirely sure God was calling them to do.

after all the discernment and prayer and visiting and checking out, you’ll still have to make a decision. and it probably won’t be based on a certainty. my advice is to trust in Him, even though you’re not sure where He’s leading you.

God bless you in your discernment.
Thank you all for your wonderful advice. This past summer I spent a week at a Trappist monastery in Southern Missouri, during which time the abbot allowed me to work in their bakery helping with the fruitcakes. This was very special, because I got to go behind the monastic enclosure and meet some of the monks that I had never met before. After this experience I felt sure that God was calling me to the Trappist Order.

However, lately I have felt a call to the Dominicans. Right after my conversion my stepfather was throwing away a lot of books that he didn’t have room for. While we were throwing these out one particular book caught my eye. It was a biography of Saint Dominic, and it was right on top. I asked him if I could have it, and he said yes. I immediately began reading it and was greatly inspired. While I was reading this book, we visited the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception in Washington D.C., and a lot of Dominicans minister there. At the Basilica, I prayed before a statue of Saint Dominic, and at this time I really started to feel a calling to the Dominicans. That was almost 2 years ago. Now, it seems my interest in the Dominicans is revived. I just got back from Dallas, where I visited the University of Dallas in Irving, TX. I really want to go to college here, and there is a Dominican Priory within walking distance.

Anyway, I definitely feel like I am called to either the Trappists or the Dominicans. The question is, which one? I was pondering this one night and praying that the Lord would help me to see clearly what His will was. It just so happened that the Gospel passage I was scheduled to read in my daily reading that night included this: Jesus said, “My food is to do the will of the one who sent me to finish his work. Do you not say, ‘in four months the harvest will be here’? I tell you, look up and see the fields ripe for the harvest.” (John 4:34,35). I really felt like this might have been God confirming that He was calling me to the Dominicans, because they place such an emphasis on mission and the salvation of souls. What do you guys think about this?

Please forgive my long post.🙂
the answer to the title of your thread is: you don’t. 🙂 throughout the Bible, and throughout history, God has rewarded men for stepping out and doing in faith what they weren’t entirely sure God was calling them to do.
I agree. If you knew with 100% mathematical certaintly, you’d be doing it out of obligation. I think God leaves room for stepping out in faith. —KCT
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