How do I know I truly love God?

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I don’t feel emotions very often, I’m just not a very emotional person. I believe that God exists, that he made me and that if I worship him in this life and follow his commandments then I will enter heaven.

I’m just curious how other people feel, is it the same kind of love you would have for your child or spouse or is it just the belief that he loves and protects you?

Sorry if this question is confusing or badly written, I’ll happily explain myself further if need be.

Thanks and God Bless
The desire to do God’s will, and then doing it.
Feelings are secondary.

When love does create a good feeling for me, I feel a desire to see Christ. I get the feeling and certainty that Christ personally cares for me. A personal closeness.

but that’s not always present and is sometimes radically absent, and doing his will becomes more dry.
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Do you truly love your enemies? Your neighbors?

This is the best gauge of how much we love God.
I love my neighbours and I try to forgive my enemies but I’m not always successful. I might tell myself that I have forgiven them, then one day I might just feel complete anger towards them again.
You are human and are going to have emotions, including anger, impatience, frustration, dislike etc for your neighbor.

The question to ask is, when these emotions come over you, do you set them aside and remind yourself that X is your neighbor and you must love them? Do you tell this to God in prayer, “Dear God, I try so hard not to be angry at X but sometimes I just remember all the bad stuff he did to me and I find myself getting angry again. God, help me to get past this anger and truly forgive and love X.”

If you are making a sincere effort to get past your negative feelings about a person, then you’re showing love for God.

Another way to show love for God is to go to Mass on obligated days and maybe on days when it’s not obligated also, if you can make it on those days, and to pray regularly to God and build a relationship with him, and to practice some devotion of your choice such as Rosary, Adoration, Stations of the Cross, regular reading of Scripture, LOTH, etc. And to be sure to thank God for your blessings and not just always be asking him for stuff without ever thanking him or praising him.
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I’m not always able to control my emotions at that moment, however, I am going to try to start praying or making amends with those that I hurt when I give in to those feelings.

Thank you for your kind response
How much time do you spend talking and listening to God? Do you try to learn more about Him?
Your post is an attempt to learn more about how we love Him. That shows that you love Him. It is like when we fall in love and want to spent time together and learn more about the other person.
Jesus said to love Him is to guard His Father’s Laws. And of course follow the new law of love Jesus gave.
You are only human and your emotions can’t be all perfect. At least you don’t worship them just because they are yours.
Next time don’t let them rule you. Just don’t let them lead to action. This is what Jesus said to Mary Magdalene, to sin no more. Can’t beat Jesus’s authority now can we?
I’m sorry could you clarify what you mean by ‘At least you don’t worship them just because they are yours.’
I mean like in reverie when you contemplate your own thoughts and let them grow.
I don’t feel emotions very often, I’m just not a very emotional person. I believe that God exists, that he made me and that if I worship him in this life and follow his commandments then I will enter heaven.
You said it correctly.

As Jesus put it, in a conditional statement, (starting wit IF )
Love is an act of the will. You prove your love to your family and friends with words, physical affection, giving gifts, doing acts of service, and spending time with them. That’s from the five love languages. Same with God. You shoe him you love him by following his commandments, spending time with him, giving him gifts like good works or acts of self denial, talking to him, doing things for him. And you don’t have to feel in love or feel like you are loved. There is more merit in your acts when you are motivated by true love and not just feelings. Hopefully occasionally you will feel God’s presence because that can hp when it gets hard to believe
If you choose His way over your way, you’re on the right track
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