I have suffered with depression and anxiety issues ever since I was 14 years old. I went all through high school and college never thinking twice about becoming a nun. I’m judgemental, I curse, I don’t read the bible, barely pray, I go to church every Sunday, but I don’t feel any real draw to it, so why than all of a sudden do I feel the urge to become a nun? It’s really confusing to me and I have been hearing it for a few months now. I don’t know if it’s me talking in my head or if it is something real. Also it confuses me based on the fact that I always felt like I was meant to be married and have a family. It’s gotten so bad that I refuse to watch any shows dealing with marriage because I will start crying thinking that I will never have that. I have been feeling really bad this week (knot in my stomach, loss of appetite, I no longer enjoy doing the things I use to, suicidal) and I feel that if this is what God wants me to do than why do I feel so bad? I also have to mention that I really am a lonely individual I don’t have any friends, I pretty much work and than spend all my free time at home. Still living with my parents. Maybe I’m just lonely?