How do I love God???

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How can I really and truly come to love God. People say PRAY, I’ve done that, what kind of prayer, for how long? What else can I do? How long does this take?, I don’t seem to be progressing much.
Dearest Dave

Depends how you view God in your mind’s eye and in your heart. If you see God as a stern judge who will punish you, it is hard to love and get past fear of Him.

To love God we really need to see Him as our Father. When we see Him this way, we know He will withold things and grant things due to our behaviour, for the good of ourselves and our santification. When we take God to our hearts as our Heavenly Father, the Father of our spirit and of all creation, all peoples, then we can trust Him and know He is all good and wanting what is best for us.

When you consider Jesus and think about how merciful and loving He is, then you see the human manifestation of God’s spirit, the two are the same in spirit and the love they hold is the same. They are the same but of different manifestation so that we will come to know and love our Father in heaven, this is what Jesus’ ministry was, besides reconciling through His death and ressurection humanity to our Father, He also came to reveal the infinite love of our Father and the Father’s will.

We are not to fear our Father in Heaven, we are to fear falling into offending Him, our Father in heaven is a merciful, loving, just Father. Because we live in a broken human body, broken by original sin, we will now despite best attempts fall and offend Him, but it is the intention not to born out of love for Him that the Father looks to.

No-one can come to Jesus unless the Father draws that spirit to Jesus. It is the Father’s will that you have a faith in Christ.

The simplest and most loving thing you can say to your Father in heaven, is this, ‘I believe in your Son Jesus, I want to grow closer in, by and through Him to you Father, show me how I can love you, so that through your Son, I am pleasing to you.’ This is an act of love and will not be refused.

As for how long it takes, well, how long is a piece of string? 🙂 It takes a whole lifetime and it may take more, because here on earth we glimpse the Divine, we do not possess it. We strive towards it, we pray to reflect it. I always say to my Father in heaven, ‘I am sorry for my clumsy attempts at loving you, accept this small offering Father because I do love you’

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Good repy from Teresa9. Another way to look at it is. See God in everyone beginning with your family, and love them and treat them accordingly, and you will be loving God. That doesn’t mean giving them everything they want, but doing what is best for them. Loving them and being helpful when needed, and teaching when needed. Not an easy task, but when you look at the relationship your children have with you, it begins with need, turns to faith and adoration, then to questions, with love threading its way through all, until they are adults, and a true mutual loving relationship begins. Then you are kind of looking at your relationship with God your father. Now you will realize that to build a lasting mutual loving relationship with God will take a life time. As in any relationship, the more you try the more you gain. May God’s peace be with you, and realize that many including me are where you are, trying to love God more.
Dear Dave,

Thank you SO much for asking these questions. They are questions that I ask myself often. I have found that looking at a picture of the Divine Mercy and/or the Sacred Heart of Jesus really helps me when I am praying. These are powerful images of the infinite love and mercy that Our Heavenly Father has for us.

Theresa, thank you very much for your post. It has helped me immensely. I used to see God as a stern judge, and I was always going around lamenting how sinful I was. Then I realized that the fact that I am weak and sinful should not discourage me. Rather, it should make me trust Our Lord even more.

In the words of Sister Mary Consolata Betrone, “Divine omnipotence! I came to understand that in spite of all my utter failures and needs, God could still make a saint out of me. I sensed a new and strong hope: confidence in God!”
Hi Dave,
Perhaps your going through a dry spell with your faith, many people so this. I find that praying to the Holy Spirit to help guide me and strenghten my faith and understanding of Gods love has helped me.
Another thing that has really charged up my spirit and love for the Lord are these wonderfull CD’s/tapes by Father Larry Richards ( Mass explained and Confession) you can oder them free on line at this web site:
There is a tape that I have watched that really drew me in and helped with my usual stony heart. It is a performance by the group RADIX, but it is more of a one man passion play. I know many people have been deeply moved by it. Maybe you would be moved to love God more if you watched it. It is entitled “the Meditation of the Passion of Christ” and my video copy is by St. Joseph Communications. I know it also exists just as a cassette tape, too.

In fact, come to think of it, Catholic Answers aired the tape once on their radio show, so for all I know, you can search on this site and listen to it in the radio archives.
Dearest Dave

Depends how you view God in your mind’s eye and in your heart. If you see God as a stern judge who will punish you, it is hard to love and get past fear of Him.

To love God we really need to see Him as our Father. When we see Him this way, we know He will withold things and grant things due to our behaviour, for the good of ourselves and our santification. When we take God to our hearts as our Heavenly Father, the Father of our spirit and of all creation, all peoples, then we can trust Him and know He is all good and wanting what is best for us.

When you consider Jesus and think about how merciful and loving He is, then you see the human manifestation of God’s spirit, the two are the same in spirit and the love they hold is the same. They are the same but of different manifestation so that we will come to know and love our Father in heaven, this is what Jesus’ ministry was, besides reconciling through His death and ressurection humanity to our Father, He also came to reveal the infinite love of our Father and the Father’s will.
Teresa 🙂
Great explanation. The more you look at God and see him as someone who truly loves you even with all our faults, would die for you, waits to hear all about your life. I learned that as much as I love the rosary and all kinds of novenas that the more I held a daily conversation with Christ, with my likes, dislikes, did an examination of conscicnce at the end of the day listing my faults and the good that I desired to do in my day. I have spent some quality time just talking and loving our father in heaven who waits so patiently and lovingly for all of us.
Love of God is part of the supernatural gift of charity given to us by God. Our part is a choice and matter of the mind, heart, and will. It does not necessarily have an emotional component. At times, emotions can be a part of our experience in loving God, but the lack of an emotional experience is not a sign that a person does not love God.

Our love of God is part of our human wiring. We are made for relationships. The relationships we have with other people are our beginning point, and we must first love our fellow man. In 1John 4:20 we read, “… for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen, cannot love God whom he has not seen.” This is very profound and we must truly love our fellow man if we really want to love God.

The relationships that we have with family members are a deeper level of love than that of loving our neighbor. The love between husband and wife is deeper still. All of these love relationships are important components in making us into fully developed human beings. These relationships teach us something about the most important relationship of all. That relationship is the one we have with God.

A really practical way to grow in love of your fellow man and to grow in love of God is to read the letters of the apostle, John. Read them for deep understanding and then apply in your heart, mind, and sou all that he has said. Pray upon all that John says, for he is the one that Jesus loved and he knows what kind of relationship the Lord wants us to have with him.
How can I really and truly come to love God. People say PRAY, I’ve done that, what kind of prayer, for how long? What else can I do? How long does this take?, I don’t seem to be progressing much.
Do you remember the sonnet, “How Do I Love Thee”? Since God in the Beloved, it would be appropriate in considering your question.
How do I love thee?

Let me count the ways.

I love thee to the depth
and breadth
and height
My soul can reach,
when feeling out of sight.
For the ends of Being and ideal Grace.
I love thee to the level of everyday’s
Most quiet need,
by sun and candlelight.
I love thee freely,
as men strive for Right;
I love thee purely,
as they turn from Praise.
I love thee with the passion
put to use In my old griefs,
and with my childhood’s faith.
I love thee with a love I seemed to lose
With my lost saints,
**–I love thee with the breath, smiles, tears, **
of all my life!
–and, if God choose,

I shall but love thee better after death.
Elizabeth Barrett Browning

“I love thee with the breath, smiles, tears of all my life!” It’s not how many prayers, how long? It’s choosing to love when there are no feelings. It’s continuing to love when our dreams die. It’s loving all alone if need be. What are you asking of Love, feelings or fidelity? Feelings can be like a steady breath that helps love’s flame burn within us, but fidelity is the oxygen that re-ignites our smoldering wick when it burns low.

Your struggle is necessary to help you to choose to love everyday as on the first day, so that you will still be trying to love on your last day.

Love as in the feeling, or love as in the choice?

We’re called to love God in the second way. To love is to will the good of another. To will God’s good is to will what He wills, which is to will what is good for you.

Choose to do what God would have you do.

That is to love God.
I have severe anxiety and depression, it’s been hard for me lately to see God as loving and just. My life has not been going very well as of lately, how do I love God and others while I am experiencing these negative emotions??? My siblings and Mom have been giving me problems and my co-workers are not the greatest people. My home life with my wife and kids is my only refuge, I’d also like to include prayer in there, but I don’t feel like I am connected to God right now. I know he’s out there but I feel like he’s overlooking me (I know he’s not but that’s how I feel).
I just posted, I have something to add. I’m going to Eucharistic Adoration on Thursday evening any tips on what I should do or say? Thanks, God bless.
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