How Do I Make A Day Of Recollection?

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I posted this question 2 days ago and have had no answers. I find it hard to believe that there isn’t someone out there who will answer this (I did get 1 private message). I am taking a very important step opn 10/15 making full Oblation as a Benedictine Oblate. I consider this just one step below “taking the veil,” as they used to say. I am trying to do special spiritual preparation for this life-changing step. Any other preparatory suggestions are also welcome.

Please help me with this!:banghead:
I intended to reply when I had time to devote to a good answer but lost the thread. I since learned that you do not have regular monthly meetings at your monastery with other oblates, which is tough when you are in formation. Can you at least meet regularly with the sisters who are directing you? sounds like you need more help and support than you are getting. you say there is another nearby monastery, can you join their meetings sometimes?

Recollection means re-collecting our thoughts, concerns, priorities from the demands of the world and placing them in God’s hands. It is a time of re-ordering our time, commitments, priorities and reminding ourselves to put God first above all else. It is also a time of reviewing our fidelity in our duty to God: Mass, sacraments, prayer and scripture reading, and to living fully our moral life in Christ.

Concerns are time, place, attitude and preparation. Take a personal day off work, hire a babysitter or caregiver for elderly, whatever it takes.

Give yourself a full day, no cell phones, no distractions, in a place where nobody can get at you, preferably not at home, where all kinds of interruptions will occur. The monastery should be great for this. Can you stay overnight? Look for a place where you can walk around outside, find a place to sit and read and meditate, state or county parks might be almost empty on weekdays this time of year.

do not bring anything with you that does not directly relate to the purpose of the day, and be very sparing with that - bible, rosary, LOTH, journal, pen, water bottle, sack lunch, energy snacks very light, meds if needed. Avoid the temptation to load up with spiritual reading, for today this is all you need. If you have been given a copy of the promises you will make at your oblation bring that too. Also instructions for lectio (brief, one page if they gave it to you. If you need this, PM me.

Go to Mass in the morning before you leave, or at the monastery, and work confession into the schedule if at all possible. Use the first part of the morning after morning prayer for examination of conscience. If you can’t confess today, go at the earliest opportunity. Pray to the Holy Spirit for enlightenment and plan the rest of the day.

If you are at a place with an Adoration Chapel or at least a grotto with Mary or Sacred Heart, do your sacred reading there. Try to spend a full hour in front of the Blessed Sacrament in the middle of the afternoon with no reading, no prayer, just silence in His presence. If you have no time for any of the other suggestions, do this one thing.

Plan on walking and praying the entire rosary.
Plan on walking praying the stations of the cross, with a printed guide if there are not actual stations.
Plan on an hour (longer than usual) for lectio on 3 topics:
1- daily or Sunday scripture readings
2 - the promise you will make at your oblation, in Paul, as soon as I find cite I will post it:
I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me
3 - the passion (Mark 15, the shortest)

If your director suggests something else, go with it. don’t worry if you don’t do all 3 readings, or all I suggest. After each of these exercises, allow one full hour for meditation, contemplation, mental prayer, either walking or relaxing. Allow a good lunch break and a couple of snack breaks where you do nothing but eat, enjoy your food, and listen to the birds. Resist the temptation to bring CDs and CD player, or to check your phone messages.

The quiet time between these exercises is the actual recollection, do not shortchange it or let go of it. Stop someplace nice on the way home for a leisurely dinner of good, light food. You will be extraordinarily tired from doing “nothing” so better not drink wine unless you plan to stay overnight (a great idea if you can swing it)
Dear friend

Practice silence and solitude. It is in silence that God speaks best to human hearts. Be silent in yourself and slow down(develop a calm, heart, mind and spirit unbusied with thoughts and distractions, by God’s grace), enter into silence restricting speech and find time to be alone in the silence with God. Find the time to spend alone in silence with Jesus before Him in the Blessed Sacrament.

Before He began His ministry, Christ Jesus went into the desert, He took nothing with Him and came out of the desert full of the power of Holy Spirit. (Luke 4 : 14)

I will keep you in my prayers.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Count on puzzleannie to give a practical, spiritually sound reply! I was ready to post something very similar, but she’s done it so beautifully, I’ll just add one thing.

Before a life-changing step such as the one you are about to take, a general confession covering one’s whole life is a good idea, and a day of recollection is a good opportunity to do so. It would be a closing of the first part of your life and beginning the second part with a clean slate.

On a practical note, you may wish to schedule this with a priest. God bless you as you begin your new venture.

5:15 a.m. Rise in Silence

6 a.m. Morning Prayer from

6:20 a.m. Rosary - Joyful Mysteries

6:45 a.m. Lectio

8 a.m. Breakfast

9 a.m. Daytime Prayer from

9:20 a.m. Rosary - Sorrowful Mysteries

9:45 a.m. Lectio

12 noon Angelus

12:15 p.m. Lunch

2 p.m. Office of Readings from

2:20 a.m. Rosary - Glorious Mysteries

2:45 p.m. Lectio

5 p.m. Supper

6 p.m. Evening Prayer from

6:20 p.m. Rosary - Luminous Mysteries

6:45 p.m. Lectio

8 p.m. Night Prayer from followed by Silence
buzzcut said:
5:15 a.m. Rise in Silence

6 a.m. Morning Prayer from

6:20 a.m. Rosary - Joyful Mysteries

6:45 a.m. Lectio

8 a.m. Breakfast

9 a.m. Daytime Prayer from

9:20 a.m. Rosary - Sorrowful Mysteries

9:45 a.m. Lectio

12 noon Angelus

12:15 p.m. Lunch

2 p.m. Office of Readings from

2:20 a.m. Rosary - Glorious Mysteries

2:45 p.m. Lectio

5 p.m. Supper

6 p.m. Evening Prayer from

6:20 p.m. Rosary - Luminous Mysteries

6:45 p.m. Lectio

8 p.m. Night Prayer from followed by Silence
Dear Buzzcut

Good to see you.

Have you ever practised this yourself and what fruits did you reap from it in respect of recollection, if that is not too personal a question?

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Hi, springbreeze, No I never have. I just wanted to offer it to BonnieBj as a possibility for her consideration. What do you think? Is it okay?
Hi, springbreeze, No I never have. I just wanted to offer it to BonnieBj as a possibility for her consideration. What do you think? Is it okay?
Dear Buzzcut

I don’t know I’ve never done it either :rotfl: . I was hoping to learn from you!

Let’s try it and see…a whole day spent with our Lord as you have outlined surely would produce fruit!

God Bless you Buzzcut and much love and peace to you

Hi Buzz and Teresa -

Buzz, I think you’re on to a good thing!

The schedule you outlined bears a certain similarity to the format used in a 3-day retreat I try to go on each year here in St. Louis. I can say from first hand experience that “silence” is the key to fostering recollection.

Perhaps this will help the OP as well. Puzzleannie, I really liked your post too!

Here’s the link. Click on the Daily Schedule tab.

Ok … I went to and printed off the whole day in display format for Saturday September 24. Came to 35 pages, which is a lot for my little inkjet printer! Springbreeze, DBT, will you join me?
Ok … I went to and printed off the whole day in display format for Saturday September 24. Came to 35 pages, which is a lot for my little inkjet printer! Springbreeze, DBT, will you join me?
Well for the LOTH part I’ll be there . . . at least MP,EP and NP which I do everyday.

If you want to give your whole day of recollection schedule a go, how about waiting until NEXT Saturday?

We’re having the national congress for OCDS here in St. Louis next week . . . which is pretty much like an extended retreat.

I figure I might as well kill 2 birds with 1 stone 😃

Well for the LOTH part I’ll be there . . . at least MP,EP and NP which I do everyday.
Good! I feel supported now. So September 24 is a Day of Recollection, prayer intentions

for all those affected by natural disasters, and especially for those in Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida

for Bonnie as she considers full Oblation as a Benedictine Oblate

for all Carmelites everywhere, and especially for those attending the National Congress in St Louis next weekend
If you want to give your whole day of recollection schedule a go, how about waiting until NEXT Saturday?
Why not do both? 😃

But I may want to adjust the schedule once I’ve tried it once.
Good! I feel supported now. So September 24 is a Day of Recollection, prayer intentions

for all those affected by natural disasters, and especially for those in Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida

for Bonnie as she considers full Oblation as a Benedictine Oblate

for all Carmelites everywhere, and especially for those attending the National Congress in St Louis next weekend
Wonderful intentions . . . I’ll definately join you for that. Bonnie, I will certainly keep you in my prayers in your discernment.
But I may want to adjust the schedule once I’ve tried it once.
Wimp 😃
Thanks to all of you for the Day of Recollection info. yeah, Puzzleannie’s was wonderful and I’ll be using it during my Tuesday one that week since that is the day we have a morning of Eucharistic Adoration. I like Buzzcut’s agenda for use as a D of R at home, which I can easily do. As soon as my folks leave I’m going to closet myself away and do a D of R; I now depserately need one.

I didn’t get a chance to check the forums in time to know that 9/24 was a D of R for the huuricanes. My folks had arrived from Houston on the 21st to escape Houston and have had almost no computer time. My father is Catholic, mother not, both in their 80s. I’m not supposed to talk “religion” around my mother, did explain about how I had periods of the day that I had to spend in private prayer and study. However, every single day she has made sure that i have been unable to do my usual prayer and study. She would either find some reason to interrrupt or would sit or stand nearby clucking her tongue and acting impatient til I responded. Today it took me all day just to do Lauds! I only just managed to get Compline done beffore going on the forukms and you can see what time it is. I was shorted by sleep last night because i had to take her to the ER and tonight I also will be shorted on sleep. I am terribly spiritually depleted. I fell asleep praying the rosary after we got back from the ER, so forget any study or other prayer or anything last night. I don’t know how I am going to manage tomorrow (Monday). Hopefully they will be leaving on Tuesday. Thankfully we went to Sat pm Mass but Mother sat in the back, hated having to be there. Can’t understand this stuff form her; she says she loves the weekly Bible study they go to, nondenomination, can’t seem to be able to give me any details about what they are or have been studying, wonder if it’s just the social part of it that she loves because I can’t see she’s getting anything out of it. I’m doing my best to be a good Benedictine all through this, but I fear I’m failing miserably because I can’t even fulfill my minimum daily Oblate prayer and study requirements. And all today we were having tornado watches and warnings and so had to prepare for that and finally had to tell her that she had to stop trying to manage this situation because you can only have 1 person managing. This hurt her feelings because she has to manage everything, and she’s worried aobut her things aned our things while I’m trying to assure the safety of 4 people and 2 animals and have had to go through these storms for a number of years and she hasn’t and never here. So she was also upset because her idea of the right way it should be done was all wrong for our situation, but you can’t tell my mother anything, or tell her she’s wrong etc… And I’m just at my wit’s end and feeling like a failure and sinful …
Hi Bonnie The schedule I posted was just a suggestion and the prayer intentions were my own or for whoever would like to join me in them. You can adjust the timing if you like. I got up a bit earlier than usual and found I was so sleepy I somehow missed out one of the mysteries – got to the end of the fourth decade and found I had no mysteries left! So if I do it again I would get up at a normal time. It sounds like you could really do with some silence and solitude.
Hi, springbreeze, No I never have. I just wanted to offer it to BonnieBj as a possibility for her consideration. What do you think? Is it okay?
Sounds like a fine way to spend a Sunday. 🙂
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