How do I practice what I preach?

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I never took my faith very serious until about 3 years ago, I have grown spiritually by leaps and bounds, however I still am not even close to where I want to be spritually. I have learned a lot in those 3 years my problem is I have not done a very good job at applying what I have learned. I have knowledge but not much in the way of putting my faith into action. How do I overcome this problem? Thank you and God bless.
Dizzy, Dave,

Could you give an example of what you mean by not applying what you have learned. Where exactly are you having problems? For example, you know that it is right to visit the sick, but are not doing it? Expand if you will.

Perseverence in prayer is the key. Ask God daily to help you. St. Alphonus de Liguori wrote that Jesus loves when we ask Him for help because He so much wants to help us. “Ask and it will be given to you”
I’ve been fasting recently. The entire Friday during lent, and during a 24 hour period from Thursday night to Friday night during the rest of the year. This and prayers throughout the day are keeping God constantly in my thoughts.

What kind of prayers throughout the day? If I do something wrong (i.e. impure thoughts, lie, etc.), I say a few Hail Mary’s (1 each for purity of mind, body, and soul) and a few Our Fathers (1 for thanksgiving, 1 for my petitions, and 1 for the Grace to improve myself). As you can well imagine, some days I do a heck of a lot of praying. But the important thing is, it and the fasting keep my mind on God!

I’ve got a long way to go, but at least I feel I’m going in the right direction. Keep up the good work, and keep praying for strength!

God can use your failures to show others that He loves us no matter what. I had an experience like this while in the Army. That’s been over 20 years ago, but I can still remember it. I won’t go into details here, but it was amazing.

When others know you are christian, and they see you striving to be faithful, that tells them alot. Even if you sometimes fail at what you are attempting, they can see that you always pick yourself up and try again. And you can show your gratitude of God in what you say. Like, telling them something that you’ve done that you know God has forgiven you for. Basically saying something along the lines of, “Yeah, I really screwed that up. But, thank God, He forgives me, and gives me strength to go on.”
Hi dizzy dave-

I would suggest to keep doing what you are doing. Pray and ask God for the guidance that you need and he will provide you with it! If people see you trying to be a good christian person how could they think bad about you? They are probably saying to themselves, boy I wish I could be more like him. Don’t ever stop living for the Lord, the end result is going to really pay off. God knows that you are trying to do your best and that is all we can do. Good luck and God bless you!!
I never took my faith very serious until about 3 years ago, I have grown spiritually by leaps and bounds, however I still am not even close to where I want to be spritually. I have learned a lot in those 3 years my problem is I have not done a very good job at applying what I have learned. I have knowledge but not much in the way of putting my faith into action. How do I overcome this problem? Thank you and God bless.

You are on the right track! Keep asking God to keep you on that narrow road. Yes we will stumble and scrap our knees but with Jesus at our side holding our hand to lead us through the darkness of this life, we will get there!

Your disappointment in yourself is a grace from God. You see you’ve sinned after the fact. I can only hope, for I must have this because I am where you are, that through the mistakes we get closer to not making them.

Perservere in prayer. Pray when you know you are going to sin not to.

Jesus is with you and he will not let you wonder off the road. We lose sit of Him only when we let go. Hold on tight! Easy to say hard to do.

Of course we must work against our upbringing, our society. Instead of working to get things our way, we must submit our will to God. Give up ourselves entirely. We must quiet our will and listen to God’s. How do we do this when we are always told to think about me, take time for me, put me first society? A very difficult thing to do to deny yourself, as you see. I can only suggest reading the saints and see how they did it. They are role models that God has given us on earth. Jesus is our ultimate role model, of course. Mediate on the mysteries of the rosary and see how He did this perfectly.

Pray and try not to let go. 👍

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