I was raised Catholic but became an Episcopalian after I got divorced and remarried. I was received in the Episcopal Church. As I’ve gotten older I realize that the Catholic church is my home and I want to return. I am in the process of going through an annulment of my first marriage which only lasted two years. Right now I don’t even know if the Catholic Church considers me “Catholic” or not. I don’t know what I have to do to become Catholic again since I’ve already been confirmed as a Catholic, besides (hopefully) get my annulment, have my marriage convalidated, and go to confession. My husband is Protestant but is willing to go to RCIA and considering conversion since his values are consistent with Catholocism. Right now I continue to go to Episcopal services, which is what my local parish priest has advised while I wait. I’ve tried to talk to an apologist but have not had any success in having my phone calls returned. It’s unsettling, not knowing how to “identify” myself. I feel like I’m in Limbo. Is anyone familiar with this process?