help please…Also, I think that religion is more of a theory. Evolution is and it has more factual evidence to support it. Does that seem a bit…odd?
help please…Also, I think that religion is more of a theory. Evolution is and it has more factual evidence to support it. Does that seem a bit…odd?
I do not reqally understand your question as this pope has stated that it is permissible to believe in either evolution or the original creation story.help please…
I would expect that your explanation would only apply to some who hold that God either does not exist or did not have a hand in how things were created and evolved.The problem with evolution is that it denies we were created by a supernatural being called God. That we were never created in his image, but developed from a lower life form, through many processes, until we became homo sapiens.It is a rejection of the Judeo-Christian beliefs entirely.
I fail to see what ecumenism has to do with evolution? Pius XII was certainly not very expressive regarding ecumenism. Ecumenism deals with trhe relationships between those of the Christian faith - among those groups are those who believe in evolution and those who do not. So in all candor, I do not understand your correlation.I understand what Pope John Paul said, but are we to accept what the scripture in Genesis 2:7 says or the words of an ecumenical Pope? Genesis 2:7 clearly says that God himself took the dirt from the ground forming man, and then breathing into the man, the breath of lives, thus creating a living soul. Nothing in this passage even suggests evolution, but rather a direct creation by God himself.
Say what?!?!?!Evolution is completely ridiculous
By the process of evolution of course, however, for the sake of argument, ask him, even if evolution is true, say: “how was life created?” If the universe was created from a ball of mass, then how were the firm unicellular organisms created?
No it’s notThese living organisms could not possibly come from something that is not living. That is completely contrary to the most basic biology.
The mechanism was evolutionSo, how did life come about?
There was life well before there were unicellular organismsHe must at least admit a Being (God) created the first unicellular organism,
Get thee to a text book!which grew into humans, or whatever the latest theory for the absurd idea of evolution is.
help please…
Although there is evidence for micro-evolution (small changes in a given species) there is absolutely no scientific evidence whatsoever for macro-evolution, or evolution as it has been preached to us by the ‘scientific’ community. Evolution is a pseudoscientific MYTH. They continue to preach it and won’t give it up because to do so would mean having to admit the existence of a Creator God.help please…
Humans have been making self replicating organic molecules in the laboratory for 50 years!
This is news to me. Can you provide more information, sites, etc?
This is simply not true. There are mountains of evidence for evolution. You may choose to believe the evidence has been wrongly interpreted, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t there. I happen to believe OJ was guilty, but that doesn’t mean there is no evidence of his innocence.Although there is evidence for micro-evolution (small changes in a given species) there is absolutely no scientific evidence whatsoever for macro-evolution, or evolution as it has been preached to us by the ‘scientific’ community.
I freely admit the existence of a Creator God, so perhaps you can supply another reason why I’m so pig-headed.They continue to preach it and won’t give it up because to do so would mean having to admit the existence of a Creator God.
Much that is said in OT is a message to people conveyed in a manner that they can understand using references to things that are familiar to them.help please…
Would you please clarify, for me, what you are actually saying? How can a scientific fact be more proven than any other scientific fact? In 1906, the New York Times made similar wild assertions claiming “evolution is now taught in the textbooks of allOne of the most proven scientific facts around is "ridiculous?
Oh really!?! We can now manufacture DNA (and have been for the last 50 years)! Get real, the Jurassic Park movie was not a documentary, it was fiction.Humans have been making self replicating organic molecules in the laboratory for 50 years!
Dude, just use some common sense. What were the hosts for these viruses if there were not even unicellular organisms? Other viruses?There was life well before there were unicellular organisms
Viruses for example
Yes, fine. But before you read the textbook, you will need to throw away your faith. From Lateran VI:Get thee to a text book!
[***Rev. Brian W. Harrison, O.S., M.A., S.T.D.
Associate Professor of Theology,***](http://www.kolbecenter.org/harrison.eve.html)
***[Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico](http://www.kolbecenter.org/harrison.eve.html)***