How do I respond to, "Have you thought about what kind of Spirit, does not want Christ alone to be lifted up,but wants you to talk more about the Cath

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I am trying to share my Catholic faith with a bible Christian and not sure how to respond to this question after already sharing much about the Catholic Church, including Christ not being separate from His Church. Is there a good verse that relates this very point?

Is there any specific answer that anyone can help me formulate to this question that she asked me?
have you thought about what kind of Spirit, does not want Christ alone to be lifted up,but wants you to talk more about the Catholic church?
I believe as a Catholic we believe Grace Alone and Christ Alone saves us, but that we participate in the plan of salvation. Sound right?

Thank you,
The Church is the bride of Christ. Jesus had many things to say about His bride. We can feel very comfortable that the Spirit that is encouraging you to bring up the Catholic Church, is in fact the Holy Spirit. The person is trying to make you feel as though you are being led by a spirit from the dark, but you are right. Don’t be confrontational, but just matter of fact state that the spirit in question is indeed the Holy Spirit promoting the “bride of Christ”.

Tell them you believe that Christ’s Church is the Catholic Church, so talking about the Church is talking about something pertaining to Christ, as much as them talking about the Bible would be considered talking about God to them.
I am trying to share my Catholic faith with a bible Christian and not sure how to respond to this question after already sharing much about the Catholic Church, including Christ not being separate from His Church. Is there a good verse that relates this very point?

Is there any specific answer that anyone can help me formulate to this question that she asked me?

I believe as a Catholic we believe Grace Alone and Christ Alone saves us, but that we participate in the plan of salvation. Sound right?

Thank you,
In the first several chapters of 1 Corinthians, St. Paul addresses divisions which were arising among the believers in Corinth, encouraging them that there should be no division among them but that all should be united in Christ.

We call body of unified believers the Catholic Church.
I am trying to share my Catholic faith with a bible Christian and not sure how to respond to this question after already sharing much about the Catholic Church, including Christ not being separate from His Church. Is there a good verse that relates this very point?

Is there any specific answer that anyone can help me formulate to this question that she asked me?

I believe as a Catholic we believe Grace Alone and Christ Alone saves us, but that we participate in the plan of salvation. Sound right?

Thank you,
God did not just come to die for us. He came to bring us the Catholic Church! Mathew 16:18 …YOU ARE PETER, AND UPON THIS ROCK I WILL BUILD MY CHURCH, …
Who’s Church is He building? JESUS’S CHURCH! The Catholic Church is the Church which God founded. Why would you throw it out?

AND THE GATES OF THE NETHER WORLD WILL NOT PREVAIL AGAINST IT. God will protect His Church. The Catholic Church.

Then show her Colossians 1:18 He (Jesus) is the head of the body, the church. So Jesus established, and built the Catholic Church, and then delcaired that He is the head, and The Cathlic Church is his body! If this person only wants Jesus with out his Church then she has decapitated Jesus!

Remind this person that when ever she reads in the new testament “the Church” the bible is refering to The Catholic Church!

John 6:53 …UNLESS YOU EAT THE FLESH OF THE SON OF MAN AND DRINK HIS BLODD, YOU DO NOT HAVE LIFE WITHIN YOU. Does she go to communion, in the Church Jesus Christ founded, and receive the true body & blood of Jesus Christ? Does she have life with in her?
I am trying to share my Catholic faith with a bible Christian and not sure how to respond to this question after already sharing much about the Catholic Church, including Christ not being separate from His Church. Is there a good verse that relates this very point
Luke 10:16 ‘Anyone who listens to you listens to me; anyone who rejects you rejects me, and those who reject me reject the one who sent me.’

The ‘you’ Christ is talking about is the leaders of the Church. Jesus founded a Church and to listen to the Church IS to listen to Jesus. You can’t separate the two.
Thank you for all of the postings! I am still trying to process and put something together. It seems that she believes scripture is saying lift of Jesus, but don’t lift up His Church. Maybe the answer is also to find a scripture that talks about living up the Body of Christ, besides showing the Church is not separate from Christ? Thank you all for for sharing!
Hmmmm how about by saying that the premise of the question is all wrong and just rejecting it? It is sort of like asking someone if they have stopped beating their wife.🤷

The Church and Christ are one. Remind them that Christ asked Paul, “Why are you persecuting ME,” not why are you persecuting the Church?
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