When I have tried to talk to my husband in the past about his secretly looking at porn and masturbating, he gets embarrassed and angry at me for mentioning it. I have tried getting angry with him and I even tried talking to him about how it makes me feel to find the “evidence” of his indescretions, but he always repeats his behavior. He tells me that he is trying to stop, but he won’t talk about it any further. He also “jokes” about wanting me to watch pornos with him and about wanting us to have sex with other people. I know he wouldn’t have an affair, but I know that I can’t trust him to go out with friends because they like to go to strip clubs. He will usually lie about this, but will confess about 2 months later. I also have trouble getting him to go to mass.
I don’t know how to reach him on this subject. Any ideas or comments are welcome.
I thought the same thing about my husband of 16 years. One of the troubles with porn is it conditions the user to think only of himself. Honestly, if it wasn’t for the affair I don’t think he ever would have stopped. It took that much to get him to realize he had a problem. He even lost his wedding ring on his way to acting out (he always took it off) and that stopped him for a time, but he went back to it after he started to feel safe again.
Try to focus on the positives of sexual intimacy. Have him read/study the Theology of the Body. Help him to understand what sexual intimacy is supposed to be about. He gets embarrassed and angry because deep down** he knows its wrong **but he doesn’t want to give it up, not for you, not for anyone. I suggest saa (sex addicts anon). Sorry I can’t remember the web address. Patrick Carnes is a leading therapist in the field of sexual addictions. He has an assessment on his website and in his book “Don’t call it Love”. Maybe if your husband takes the assesment he will see a problem. The trouble with addiction is the addict doesn’t think he has a problem or that the addiction can be controlled, usually they have to hit bottom before they can even try to accept they have a problem. Sometimes an intervention will work too.
Also, check the Patrick Carnes website for yourself. Take the assesment and make sure you are not co-dependent (not addicted to porn but thinking its your fault, your not good, sexy, thin enough etc).
Pray, pray, pray, pray. And then pray some more. Before he even started the affair I developed a strong attraction to St. Monica, was even wanting to name my baby daughter Monica! Draw closer to Our Blessed Mother and ask her to intercede for your husband. Pray that he gets caught each and every time he does anything. My husband got away with alot before it all came crashing down, maybe if he had been caught sooner . . . well, God’s timing for us was perfect, difficult, but perfect for us. And it will be for you too. PM me if you need to. I have a 5 & 2 year old, but I will get back to you as soon as I can!