Well, actually, they already know: my husband of 16 years has a lover- same one he had 10 years ago when I was pregnant (I didn’t find out until 6 years ago). My girls are 9 and 12, and they’re shocked- “God doesn’t allow this, right mommy?” “Why is daddy doing this? That’s adultery”. Yeah, so, how can I keep them from getting totally messed up by his behavior (he wants to file for divorce after he gets back from his deployment)- he’s not a very good role model, is he? If I talk to anybody, they get upset, they think I might go off looking for guys now (no thanks, one cheater was enoguh, besides, I still consider myself married!). I know my marriage is over, but the kids are in denial- they don’t know that I forgave him his 3 affairs 6 years ago- he says he lost all respect for me when I forgave him (he just keeps kicking me while I’m down already). He says he never loved me, since he’S incapable of loving- even his kids! I wonder if that’s enoguh grounds for an annulment, when the time comes. Besides, he never wanted kids anyway, even tried to coerce me into an abortion with the younger one (when I refused, he turned around and had a few affairs).
So, any advice how to tell the kids firmly yet gently that it’s over (as much as I hate it, I still love him´and I believe in my marriage vows) and to prevent them from becoming nasty girls like the ones their dad is hanging out with (my biggest fear, I keep praying to Our Lord to save them from that!)?
Any ideas? I’m pretty lost here, thanks
God bless
So, any advice how to tell the kids firmly yet gently that it’s over (as much as I hate it, I still love him´and I believe in my marriage vows) and to prevent them from becoming nasty girls like the ones their dad is hanging out with (my biggest fear, I keep praying to Our Lord to save them from that!)?
Any ideas? I’m pretty lost here, thanks
God bless