If you talk to God, He listens. If you are in mortal sin, than He still listens, but your prayers do not add up to more joy in Heaven, also known as a name that I am sure confuses many people (it used to confuse me): merits. He even listens to involuntary prayers, although these do not amount to more joy in Heaven. I know because years ago, I used to worship Satan (I was NOT in a cult, but independent as such and primarily devotional) and I began to feel really bad about myself and also that I’d trapped myself with all my promises to Satan–that I’d be his forever and there was nothing I could do about it. I involuntary asked God to help me, but quickly took it back, as I was quite conflicted back then–my mind and spirit at odds with each other. Months later, after I’d felt God calling me back for a while, I began to come back to Him (I still didn’t believe in everything I should believe in as a Catholic, but I did stop worshiping Satan at least and years later, I would believe everything I should.)