How do we fight overpopulation a cause of The Culture of Death?

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Dear Reader:

Hello! How are you? I am a new member. Quite a few comments were posted about contraception. Few comments about homosexuality were given from those few posts that I read.

I would like to add an additional point about homosexuality contributing to The Culture of Death. Homosexuality was explained to me by a homosexual to be a characteristic of evolution, especially in urban, highly concentrated population densities, such as San Francisco, and Los Angeles, CA, and NYC, NY. His reasoning based on overpopulation went something along this line: As resources diminish there is no corresponding decrease in sexual drives and therefore, homosexuality results as a consequence of recognizing that available resources are depleted, and perhaps opposing genders are inequal–37% females to 63% males.

This makes little sense to either the carnal, or the supernatural person in other words, those baptised; those recognizing God’s existence and therefore, God’s Ten Commandments, etc., find difficulty understanding a natural person still not only experiencing the effects of Original Sin, but also experiencing a direct connection to Original Sin in an unbaptised state.

Homosexuality in this context is part of The Culture of Death to the extent that populations diminish not according to natural causes of death, but according to disordered actions, which we see cause deaths very often with the desired effect of populations being reduced and therefore, seemingly increasing the availability to natural resources.

I believe the economist, Thomas Malthus, and others advocated, encouraged this solution to depleted resources–Thomas Carlyle called it The Dismal Science; while Adam Smith, The Father of Modern Economics, believed depleted resources could be increased by means of agriculture, by application of the scientific method to increase available resources, which we see to be too successful as evidenced by the volume of waste that exits each home every yr., which we reasonably might assume, could be distributed to those in need.

Abortion, homosexuality, birth control, these all contribute to a mortally sinful problem in our Culture of Death, overpopulation.

Thank you to those reading this.

Most sincerely,

overpopulation is a lie by culture of death. Europe will pay for the low birth rate in no time.
overpopulation is a lie by culture of death. Europe will pay for the low birth rate in no time.
Dear abcdefg:

No doubt, actually, according to a statesman’s handbook, Europe already suffers and America too. All countries of the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) are in a demographic crisis–they have limited abilities to replenish their population. The same holds true for the genocide of the Kmer Rogue under Pol Pot in the 70’s in Cambodia–many doctors, lawyers, teachers are unable to be found as they were the victims of the genocide.

I read in a transcription of Bishop Fulton Sheen’s TV show “Life Is Worth Living” about Communism. The liquidation of the human race within Communism is possible, because people are devalued after their use is gone. I “love” in a very sarcastic tone the current New World Order: There is no country in the world where anyone can go, where this hierarchy may not be found: (1) Government (2) Business and Science and subserivient to the two (3) Non-government Organizations in other words, The Holy Roman Catholic Church. Rather pathetic, no doubt, we no longer from a standpoint of religion wield any power; we only have our “ever-so-kind” superiors that from generosity “listen to us”.

Yes, Europe is paying such a price, and America too, and what is the price? Dead babies, dead intellectuals, dead immoral men and women who served in such utilitarian form the ends of those in power–whom we know now are ever so elite–we should congratulate them, right, abcde, for such a rapid accomplishment to their goals, whom do they have standing in their way–cerrtainly not the Catholic Church, but whom–anyone? Yes, Europe and America are paying the price, and it really was quite affordable: Someone just had to sell a few people on a lie–no different than selling a new mass, right?

What are you buying–not the lie, but what are you buying that these people actually care enough to feel remorse for the price paid, which allows them more power, and more elite of an existence? Certainly they doom themselves–Lucifer is going to Hell, and hates it, and takes all that he can with him; and what a price–doomed to Hell anyway.

Most bitterly,

Kristopher,the Roman Catholic Church is a thorn in their side despite those within Her that are thumbing their noses at Rome.The gates of hell will NOT prevail against Her.😉
Kristopher,the Roman Catholic Church is a thorn in their side despite those within Her that are thumbing their noses at Rome.The gates of hell will NOT prevail against Her.😉
Dear Lisa4Catholics:

I agree. What are your comments about the topic of overpopulation as an element in The Culture of Death? However, since you mention the Church and those who thumb their nose to Rome. What comments have you about the difference between The Canon of The Mass given in the “New…Saint Joseph Sunday Missal” 1999 complete ed. in accordance with Vat. II with Patrick J. Sheridan, D.D., Vicar General, Archdiocese of NY, page 30 where it is written: “…Take this, all of you , and drink from it: this is the cup of my blood,…shed…for all so that sins may be forgiven…” contrasted against the “Saint Joseph Daily Missal” of 1955 with the Imprimatur Francis Cardinal Spellman, Archbishop of NY, page 679 where it is written: “…this is the Chalice of my Blood…;…shed…for many unto the forgiveness of sins.”? You do see, I trust, the difference: Suddenly in the new mass the word “many” of The Canon is replaced by the word “all” in Eucharistic Prayer No. 2. Do you grasp the meaning of this?

I have no doubt at all that Neither Lucifer, Satan, the Devil, nor any other power of Hell shall prevail against The Roman Catholic Church. I understand, too, The Church shall be all but destroyed, not left alone to the extent that for the sake of righteousness no one is persecuted.

I read a poignant, to the point poem, which I think satisfies a particular need of importance now given indifference as much today as in the time it was written, and it stimulates me to gratitude that I in my lifetime witness The Crucifixion of The Holy Roman Catholic Church. Please read it.

The following is the bibliographic info. as a citation of the poem’s location: Sheen, Fulton. “Life Is Worth Living”. NY: McGraw, 1953 on pages 267-268


When Jesus came to Golgotha,/ They hanged Him on a tree,/ They drove great nails through hands and feet,/ And made a Calvary;/ They crowned Him with a crown of thorns,/ Red were His wounds and deep,/ For those were crude and cruel days,/ And human flesh was cheap./ When Jesus came to Birmingham/ They simply passed Him by,/ They never hurt a hair of Him,/ They only let Him die;/ For men had grown more tender,/ And they would not give Him pain,/ They only just passed down the street/ And left Him in the rain./ Still Jesus cried, “Forgive them/ For they know not what they do,”/ And still it rained the winter rain/ That drenched Him through and through;/ The crowds went home and left the streets/ Without a soul to see/ And Jesus crouched against a wall,/ And cried for Calvary.

Written by an English Episcopalian minister, G. Studdert Kennedy during World War I (WWI).

I hope to God that you cry too, Lisa, in longing for Calvary II as we now witness The Crucifixion of The Roman Catholic Church. Tell me: With what indifference did you read the contrast between the word “many” and the word “all”, if any at all?

I am not crying, but fighting. Thank you Jesus, I say, you came not for all, but for many that we might see without confusion those whom Lucifer will bring to Hell without one of us to fight for The Salvation your Father as a gift will bestow in faith to those who repent, and is the kingdom of Heaven at hand, once again as it was 2,000 yrs. ago?

I think that The Rosary is a fitful end to overpopulation; though, fifteen instead of twenty mysteries brings the indulgences, and twenty none according to the Imprimi Potest Rev. William J. Levada, D.D., Archbishop of Portland, OR. “Praying The Rosary Without Distractions”. OR; Dominican Fathers, 1994. page 5: “…why, of all the incidents in our Lord’s life, the Rosary considers only these particular fifteen…the fifteen mysteries of the Rosary in one day, reflects on the whole liturgical cycle that the Church commemorates during the course of each year…some of the popes have referred to the Rosary as a compendium of the Gospel. One cannot change the mysteries of the Rosary without losing the indulgences that the Church grants for the recitation of the Rosary.”

What infallibility is there in terms of faith and of morals in contrast between two words “many” and “all”? Overpopulation has been rendered by abcdefg to be a lie, end of discussion.

Most sincerely,

Kristopher I would like to suggest that you start a thread on the issues that are bothering you in apologetics.I thought this was a pro-life thread and you seem quite upset with other things,so you can get some answers,you ought to start a thread there.God Bless,Lisa
Kristopher I would like to suggest that you start a thread on the issues that are bothering you in apologetics.I thought this was a pro-life thread and you seem quite upset with other things,so you can get some answers,you ought to start a thread there.God Bless,Lisa
Dear Lisa:

This is a Pro-Life thread. The topic that I raised is overpopulation. The topic you raised is The Church. You apparently have no comment to give about overpopulation, about its role in a Culture of Death.

As you brought up the topic of The Church that no evil shall prevail against it; I chose to throw some elements of the issue toward you.

You will have to clarify what relation if any you were drawing between the eternal nature of The Church, and the Pro-Life topic. I was unable to see any connection to the topic that I raised.

Thank you for the suggestion, you are right in what you say, the topic that you raised, which I gave comments to, does belong in apologetics–unless of course, you have something to clarify about what you exactly meant to convey.

Most sincerely,

There is no overpopulation. In many places–especially in Europe–there is underpopulation. In many third world countries there is maldistribution, not overpopulation. The most valuable renewable resource is human beings.
The idea that humanity is multiplying at a terrible and accelerating rate is one ofthe false dogmas of our times. From that notion springs the widely held belief that unless population growth is immediately contained by every governmental and private method imaginable, mankind faces imminent disaster.

These ideas form the basis for an enormous international population-control industry that involves billions of dollars of taxes as well as the full time efforts of scores of private philanthropies.

Embodied in their agenda is the sort of social planning that actually mandates draconian control over families, churches and other voluntary institutions around the globe. Point by point, Dr. Kasun shatters the dogmas of the controllers—tenets that simply fall apart under close scrutiny and comparison with a mountain of data that the controllers refuse to confront. This is a fascinating book, a tour de force effort to restore reality to a subject that has become unmoored by ideology.

From a review of The War Against Population, by Jacqueline Kasun.
While we still have a net gain of people each year in the world, this net gain is declining at a fast rate.

Experts have predicted that at some point between 2020 and 2050, we will have reached zero population growth. From that time on, the world population will continue to decline at even more alarming rates.

Some people have their own opinions as to what has caused this shift in population. Some say it is natures way due to limited resources. Some say it’s due to the Culture of Death (contraception, abortions, homosexuality, euthenasia, etc.).

I for one, believe that if we would just stop playing God and stop messing with things, population rates would be stable.

In my lifetime, I wouldn’t be surprised to see a population implosion crisis. Will morality and the Church’s teachings win the hearts of people? Or is society going to fall for the “need” to clone humans?

I wouldn’t be surprised if cloning is pushed, and the declining population be used to back it up.
Dear JimG:

The word “overpopulation” as I understand it means: Current available resources will not meet the needs of a population, but what do you mean, Jim, this does not exist? Where does overpopulation not exist, but remain just the same–do you understand? I know that many lies are told about overpopulation; nonetheless, the propaganda supporting the claim of overpopulation accounts for only 40,000,000 abortuses in this country alone, and how many more millions worldwide from the 1960’s to the present, or perhaps even since the 1800’s?

Overpopulation certainly does exist for the sake of arguement, in Africa. Additionally, the available resources may exist, the means to obtain them appear to be too distant for emotional, for mental, for physical health to be maintained. Poverty and unemployment levels in America range between, which percentages now: 3%-27% county-by-county?

Overpopulation exists in the minds of many people. How do we fight it?

Have you viewed The Earth Charter draughted by Prof. Stephen Rockefeller of NY, and former prime minister of the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Mikhail Gorbachev?

It is according to the late Fr. Malachi Martin, once exorcist in the Vat., said this is being put forward as international law–what do you think will be; has been implemented as solutions to raise the “Quality of Life” globally, and to solve the problem of “overpopulation”.

The truth sets everyone free. Thank you for the book title and author. I will look them up, someday.

Most sincerely,

Dear Reader:

Abortion, homosexuality, birth control, these all contribute to a mortally sinful problem in our Culture of Death, overpopulation.

Thank you to those reading this.

Most sincerely,


OverPopulation is a myth!

I checked at where I found the world population to be approximately 6,276,000,000. I then checked…x_geography.htm and found the area of Texas as 268,601 square miles. One square mile is 640 acres and hence the area of Texas is 268,601x640=171,904,640 acres. Thus if you fit the entire population of the world into Texas each person would have

171,904,640/6,276,000,000 = 0.027 acres

So basically the entire world could fit in side by side dwellings throughout the State of Texas. This example was just to prove a point and did not include roads, schools, farmland, businesses, etc.

However, you have the entire rest of the world outside of Texas to build roads, schools, farmland, businesses and etc. Therefore do not let anyone from Planned Parenthood, NOW, NARAL or whoever ever tell you the lie the world is overpopulated ever again!!

Those selling the overpopulation myth believe another human being is one more mouth to feed. We know better than that! We know another human means two more arms, two more hands, two more legs and a brain & can be productive enough to support thousands of other humans (example: farmer).

Shortage of food in some countries is only a result of distribution problems and governments rationing food from its own people in order to control them.
Here’s a good article from Matt Abbott on the subject…

GUEST OPINION: Exploding the Myth of the Population Bomb

Friday, June 03, 2005
  • Matt C. Abbott
OPINION - During the last three decades, the issue of overpopulation - or perceived overpopulation - has been discussed in various capacities.

The primary instigators of these discussions have been the radical environmentalists, the radical animal rights activists, and certain wealthy elites in our Western society.

All of these groups more or less assert that human beings are destroying the planet. There are too many of us, they say. Hence, we must utilize “family planning” (read: abortion, contraception, sterilization), even in a coercive manner, to limit the number of people born into the world.

As a result of this elitist, anti-life mentality, also known as the “contraceptive mentality,” several countries, including the U.S., are steeped in what the late Pope John Paul II called a culture of death.

In third world countries, abortion, contraception and sterilization seemingly abound; yet the most basic needs of food, clean water and medicine are often lacking.

Why is this so?

It would seem that international organizations such as the United Nations and Planned Parenthood are more interested in reducing the population of those less fortunate than in working to promote authentic economic development in developing countries.

The main questions involving this matter, I submit, are these: Is the world indeed overpopulated? What can be done to promote economic development and responsible parenthood in a way that is morally acceptable to virtually everyone?

The assertion that the world is overpopulated is essentially a myth. In a January 29, 2005 address given by Cesare Bonivento, Roman Catholic bishop of Papua New Guinea, at the Family Life International Symposium held in Papua New Guinea, Bishop Bonivento cited a 2003 report issued by the United Nations Population Division warning that “future fertility levels in most developing countries will likely fall below 2.1 children per woman, the level needed to ensure the long-term replacement of the population. By 2050, the UN document says, three out of every four countries in the less developed regions will be experiencing below-replacement fertility, with all developed countries far below replacement level as well.”

Bishop Bonivento gave the following observation for the aforementioned contradictory report: “Why such an evidently contradictory evaluation? Because the warnings of the other UN agencies and of the demographers are jeopardizing UNFPA’s effort to curb the population with any means, including legal abortion. UNFPA is the agency supporting the Chinese one-child policy, which includes forced abortion for women having a second child.”

Now, what can be done to foster economic development in third world countries? According to Dr. Brian Clowes, author and researcher for Human Life International, such a program would: “provide basic health care and prenatal care to women and children, thereby dramatically reducing infant mortality rates; build road systems and bridges to remote areas, thus promoting regional economic self-sufficiency; help break down artificial economic barriers, such as family-run utility monopolies and overly complicated procedures for securing permits in order to start small businesses, thereby stimulating healthy competition; improve agricultural production with rural electrification, mechanization and adequate grain storage, thereby improving nutrition; provide clean running water to villages, reducing endemic diseases; and provide basic education to those who are not receiving it.”

Finally, the widespread promotion of natural family planning, also known as natural fertility regulation, is vital, as it is “morally acceptable to all religions and cultures.” Information on natural family planning can be found on the following websites:,

© 2005 – all rights reserved

___________________ *Matt C. Abbott is the former executive director of the Illinois Right to Life Committee and the former director of public affairs for the Chicago-based Pro-Life Action League. He is a Catholic journalist *
Overpopulation exists in the minds of many people.
Well, that I can agree with. Overpopulation is one of the most enduring myths of modern times.

If the U.S. government was as corrupt as many African governments we also would experience maldistribution of resources. And we would probably think there were too many people for the amount of goods, when in reality the problem would be too many crooks stealing the available resources.

Resources, incidentally, tend to be viewed by population controllers as though they were a fixed quantity, which is not the case. Resources can and do increase to meet the demand.

This applies even to the environment. I’ve seen some photos of forests taken in the 1800’s compared to the same areas today. Today there are a lot more trees, because we do a better job of management and planting, even though we use a lot more timber.

And maldistribution and limitation of resources can be caused not only by corruption but by bad government. When Pol Pot controlled Cambodia he not only caused much genocide by direct killing, but much more by trying to impose ‘agrarian reforms’ on the countryside, resulting in much starvation. That was the fault of bad policy, not population.

Places that tend to thrive economically are those with the highest population densities–New York City, Chicago, Tokyo, Hong Kong. Places with low population densities, like Sharon Springs, KS, do not thrive economically.

(My apologies to anyone who lives in Sharon Springs. It’s really not a bad place, and only 30 miles from the Colorado border. But, it’s no boomtown.)
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