How do we measure our Faith?

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We are called to have “faith” in God. The word faith, inherently contains a certain degree of doubt and a certain degree of belief. Faith, to me, (and possibly this is where I err) is a combination, a summation of the components of doubt and belief. If there were no componet of belief, we wouldn’t use the word faith. We may use other words such as foolishness, or non-sense. If someone were to say to you they saw a cow jump over the moon your doubt would approach infinity, and your belief would approach zero (to use mathematical terms). If someone were to say to you the sun will in fact come up tomorrow morning; the word truth, or assurity, may be better fitting. In this case your belief would approach infinity and your doubt would approach zero. Faith, is the concept of lying somewhere in between.

My question is, how do I measure my faith? I can say I have faith. By my (above) definition I believe this profession of faith to be a truth. I say this because I know in my heart that my belief in God is not approaching zero. However it also does not approach infinity. I lay somewhere in between. What troubles me is I do not know exactly where. I cannot assign a degree to it. i.e. I believe 80% that God exists. I want to say it’s greater then 50/50 but I don’t know that it is. I suppose it may vary from time to time.

How do I know, at what point along this doubt-to-belief spectrum I am to be held accountable? If I cannot even assign myself a position on this hypothetical bell curve, where does God himself assign me? How do I know my faith is not woefully inadequet?

Having put this in a somewhat mathematical perspective thus far, please allow me to put it in more of a perspective of emotion.

I struggle day and night with my degree of Faith. I am called to love God with all my heart mind and soul. I don’t know how this is possible unless I am to the far right of this bell curve.

I could lie to myself, and thus lie to God, and simply tell myself I believe fully and I love God with all my heart, mind and soul. I can try to do this and I believe I do (try). I can research and read till the cow that jumped over the moon comes home, and I do this too. I’ve read many many books by many wonderful authors; Lewis, Chesterton, Hahn, Saint Theresa to name a few.

How, I ask the seemingly very faithful of this forum, do I enrich my faith? I know prayer will be the answer of choice. But how do I know, that if I pray and my faith seems to grow, I didn’t simply brainwash myself? That the growth in my faith did not come from God answering my prayers but came from myself, answering my prayers? I can’t help but be analytical about this. Couldn’t one argue, from a pure pragmatic perspective, that I can simply brainwash myself into a greater belief? I used to pray for private revelation. I have since read a very well written article by Father Most (I believe his name is) as to how this is not a wise thing to do. He states many reasons. One of which is that it is of greater merit for those who believe without such revelation. The apostle Thomas comes to mind here. But I have difficulty in understanding why it is perceived as wrong to ask for greater evidence, when the aquisition of evidence is something we are taught throughout our lives as being of good merit. I have a proposal I must present to others I work with this week. If I do not have conclusive data to support my proposal I’d be laughed out of the meeting. I can just imagine the response I’d get if I walked into the meeting and said, “trust me, I promise it will work”.

We are called to love God with all our mind, heart and soul. I truly want to be able to say I do, while being honest with myself when I say it.
We are called to have “faith” in God. In this case your belief would approach infinity and your doubt would approach zero. Faith, is the concept of lying somewhere in between.

My question is, how do I measure my faith? I can say I have faith. By my (above) definition I believe this profession of faith to be a truth. I say this because I know in my heart that my belief in God is not approaching zero. However it also does not approach infinity. I lay somewhere in between. What troubles me is I do not know exactly where. I cannot assign a degree to it. i.e. I believe 80% that God exists. I want to say it’s greater then 50/50 but I don’t know that it is. I suppose it may vary from time to time.

How do I know, at what point along this doubt-to-belief spectrum I am to be held accountable? If I cannot even assign myself a position on this hypothetical bell curve, where does God himself assign me? How do I know my faith is not woefully inadequet?

Having put this in a somewhat mathematical perspective thus far, please allow me to put it in more of a perspective of emotion.

I struggle day and night with my degree of Faith. I am called to love God with all my heart mind and soul. I don’t know how this is possible unless I am to the far right of this bell curve.

We are called to love God with all our mind, heart and soul. I truly want to be able to say I do, while being honest with myself when I say it.
Hi Mijoy2
Romans14:23 But he who doubts is condemned if he eats , because he does not eat from faith, for whatever is not from faith is sin.
How do you interpret this. If you have any doubt it is sin. why, because you are lacking in faith. Faith is a gift and faith comes in degrees but faith can be exercised so it will grow. Faith as big as a mustard seed will enable you to shift a mountain. Now you have to ask your self how much you want. Now read Matthew 4 verses 1 to 10 as you do not want to use your faith in the incorrect manner.
The first step is to take your belief in God to 100%. The easiest way to do this is to accept the Holy Spirit into your life. Now He is there as you are a Christian. It was He who led you to Jesus. Do not think that you found Jesus because you were smart or had good friends. God chooses you. You dont choose Him. Then the Holy Spirit comes and leads you to Jesus. When you believe in Him {( just a tad) enough to pray to God in private as opposed to only praying at church to an audience.} your heart is circumsized, Jesus and the Holy Spirit live in your heart. It was the Holy Spirit who led you to Jesus. It is about time you worshiped Him.
Start worshiping God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit privately at home in quiet.Ask God for the Holy Spirit to reveal Himself. Now when He does you will know God exists because how could the Holy Spirit exist without God, it is His Spirit. You then know also that Jesus is alive, was born died resurrected and is now at the right hand of God, because the Holy Spirit was not to be poured out on earth until these things happened. He the Holy Spirit is the perfect witness as well. You will know when the Holy Spirit reveals Himself. I dont know what He will do for you but it will be totally unmistakeable.100%
Now you are on the way. Are you in for one big surprise. Amen.
when you are on the "increasing your faith ’ journey you can then decide if you really want to measure it. Mind you, your faith wont grow unless you have victories. To have victories, you must have battles. The easiest battle is to ask for something in prayer and then receive it. You will be doing this by asking for the Holy Spirit to reveal Himself.
up up and away.
Christ be with you
walk in love
Ps If you want to love God more, pray for this, every night every day. It will grow, as God wants you to love Him. He will always answer those prayers quickly when they are in accord with His will and wont harm you.
Hi Mijoy2
Romans14:23 But he who doubts is condemned if he eats , because he does not eat from faith, for whatever is not from faith is sin.
How do you interpret this. If you have any doubt it is sin. why, because you are lacking in faith. Faith is a gift and faith comes in degrees but faith can be exercised so it will grow. Faith as big as a mustard seed will enable you to shift a mountain. Now you have to ask your self how much you want. Now read Matthew 4 verses 1 to 10 as you do not want to use your faith in the incorrect manner.
The first step is to take your belief in God to 100%. The easiest way to do this is to accept the Holy Spirit into your life. Now He is there as you are a Christian. It was He who led you to Jesus. Do not think that you found Jesus because you were smart or had good friends. God chooses you. You dont choose Him. Then the Holy Spirit comes and leads you to Jesus. When you believe in Him {( just a tad) enough to pray to God in private as opposed to only praying at church to an audience.} your heart is circumsized, Jesus and the Holy Spirit live in your heart. It was the Holy Spirit who led you to Jesus. It is about time you worshiped Him.
Start worshiping God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit privately at home in quiet.Ask God for the Holy Spirit to reveal Himself. Now when He does you will know God exists because how could the Holy Spirit exist without God, it is His Spirit. You then know also that Jesus is alive, was born died resurrected and is now at the right hand of God, because the Holy Spirit was not to be poured out on earth until these things happened. He the Holy Spirit is the perfect witness as well. You will know when the Holy Spirit reveals Himself. I dont know what He will do for you but it will be totally unmistakeable.100%
Now you are on the way. Are you in for one big surprise. Amen.
when you are on the "increasing your faith ’ journey you can then decide if you really want to measure it. Mind you, your faith wont grow unless you have victories. To have victories, you must have battles. The easiest battle is to ask for something in prayer and then receive it. You will be doing this by asking for the Holy Spirit to reveal Himself.
up up and away.
Christ be with you
walk in love
Ps If you want to love God more, pray for this, every night every day. It will grow, as God wants you to love Him. He will always answer those prayers quickly when they are in accord with His will and wont harm you.
EdwinG, I appreciate your reply to my post.

Do others here feel the same as EdwinG? Am I too believe totally, without reservation?

Do others share this statement? : “You will know when the Holy Spirit reveals Himself. I dont know what He will do for you but it will be totally unmistakeable.100%”
A true test of faith is to consider …How much to I love others? Do I love everyone the way Jesus does?

God bless,
Deacon Tony SFO
Luke 17:5-6
The apostles said to the Lord, “Increase our faith!”

And the Lord said, "If you had faith like a mustard seed, you would say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and be planted in the sea’; and it would obey you.
It is good to strive to believe and even better to pray for help.

Yes, there is an abandoning of your self and your control to really believe, but when the going gets tough you need to have your faith firm and strong.

When our daughter died suddenly four years ago, where I have been if I thought that God had abandoned us? What if I thought God was punishing me or that Claire – who was only seven years old – was taken because of my sins?

I was able to remember that God wasn’t punishing me and I wasn’t to blame. I didn’t do anything intentional to allow her to die.

Our family contains a lot of atheists and agnostics, what is our role in standing strong and true in our belief that God is a loving father and that we can still be trusting children? Perhaps our faith is seen as stupid and just a crutch, but then again maybe it is seen as real faith that we love our God even though we have had to accept her death.

I know that our faith is ours to keep us sane. It is also a wonderful gift to be able to hang on to the hope of seeing our Claire again in heaven. We know that God is loving in spite of our mere human senses and thoughts that could lead astray. We have a beilef that Claire’s death has helped us to be sure our souls will be in heaven with her someday. We are much more devout now.

And one of the agnostic siblings led the prayer for Easter brunch. 👍
It is good to strive to believe and even better to pray for help.

Yes, there is an abandoning of your self and your control to really believe, but when the going gets tough you need to have your faith firm and strong.

When our daughter died suddenly four years ago, where I have been if I thought that God had abandoned us? What if I thought God was punishing me or that Claire – who was only seven years old – was taken because of my sins?

I was able to remember that God wasn’t punishing me and I wasn’t to blame. I didn’t do anything intentional to allow her to die.

Our family contains a lot of atheists and agnostics, what is our role in standing strong and true in our belief that God is a loving father and that we can still be trusting children? Perhaps our faith is seen as stupid and just a crutch, but then again maybe it is seen as real faith that we love our God even though we have had to accept her death.

I know that our faith is ours to keep us sane. It is also a wonderful gift to be able to hang on to the hope of seeing our Claire again in heaven. We know that God is loving in spite of our mere human senses and thoughts that could lead astray. We have a beilef that Claire’s death has helped us to be sure our souls will be in heaven with her someday. We are much more devout now.

And one of the agnostic siblings led the prayer for Easter brunch. 👍
I have two Daughters Mamamull, I read your post holding back tears (at work). I share your faith that you will see your Daughter, Claire, again in Heaven where she is now at peace. I’ll keep your family in my prayers today. Thank you for soberly answering my post.
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