How Do We Politically Get America Back to Supporting the "Culture of Life"?

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It’s been 30 years now and Abortion (killing of babies) is still the law of the land in America.

Most Americans Contracept even though most forms of Contraception are Abortifacients. Even the Bible tells us Contraception is a serious sin.

There is a huge push to legalize Homosexual Marriage in the U.S. even though the Bible clearly speaks against Homosexual Acts.

There is a push for Embryonic Stem Cell Research & Cloning.

It does not seem to matter if you are Republican or Democrat anymore. Both parties are now supporting the Culture of Death. This week Republican Majority Leader in the Senate now switched his position on Embryonic Stem Cell Research. Sen. Frist now supports killing Human Embryo’s. Even with President Bush’s promise to veto this bill; the change by Frist has many other Senators changing their position now. Therefore, the Senate will now have enough votes to overturn President Bush’s veto.

On the Supreme Court, it seems almost impossible to get a judge on the bench who supports the Culture of Life.

The top presidental candidates for 2008 all support the Culture of Death – Hilary Clinton, Rudy Guliani, McCain and etc.

How Do We Politically Get America Back to Supporting the “Culture of Life”?
I voted for all the choices except for the third political party idea, b/c realistically power will be in the hands of either Republicans or Democrats. And since most of the pro-life vote goes to the Republicans, a third party would just take away votes from the Republicans, and the Democrats would end up with the power! :eek:

BTW… I know they aren’t easy to look at, but photos of aborted babies really do help a lot of people realize how horrendous abortion really is.
I think that we should get a third party with strong affiliations with, like Mel Gibson or someone who can back them. We need a pro-life, pro-economy nominee. The best of both parties. If the Democrates would just realize that they would be the winners if they were just pro-life, we all would be better off. In my opinion.
If the Church is to speak with any expectation of authority over any other PAC, then she needs to listen to the words of Christ that she teaches, and put them into use.

She needs to focus on internal strife, Catholics against Catholics, being convincing she intends to correct her own problems with sexual sins, demonstrate that her Catholic-trained girls are less promiscuous than those who are not in Catholic school, and maybe she will have some credibility for talking about the abortion issue.

On a more short term basis, we need to learn the art of compromise and gradualism that allowed liberals to get stuff by little by little that would never have happened if they had announced it in advance.

For example, let’s table the argument about whether life begins at conception of at the first brain waves, and solicit agreement that at least third trimester abortions are wrong. Our “purest” conservatives in this state refused to pass a bill against late term abortions with a “mental health” of the woman clause, and they knew 100% if they didn’t put that in (on the basis it would be abused and overdiagnosed) it would be vetoed. What did they do? Stick with their “purist” attitude, passed a bill the governor vetoed as promised (he had publicly promised to sign with that one exception) and now we have nothing and George Tiller is still here in Wichita doing elective late term abortions with impunity. Of course, it helps that he knows how to spend his political bribes, er I mean contributions.

Perhaps a weaker bill would have passed, and then could have been shored up later when it was found to be abused. The "no negotiation, all-or-nothng stances of some pro-lifers, I think ends up inadvertently as posturing, with no chance of movement because small movements are not allowed and large movements are simply not realistic.

In other words, let’s focus on late term abortion, until we can get a consensus that abortion is at least something bad in some cases. Then we work from there. The more adamant we are about having it exactly right, the easier it is to paint pro-ifers as extremist and write them off polically.

We need to be stealthy and clever, like Christ told us we have to. We have to learn worldly ways to combat the world, while of course upholding spiritual principles as well.

Education is powerful and the key to bringing back a holy understanding of life (culture of life).

Pick up any biology book. Look at the first chapter where it discusses the characteristics of life. There is not a clear cut, universally accepted definition of life, so characteristics are used to define life.

I enjoy pointing out to my classes that a fertilized egg has every single characteristic. Therefore it is life and to terminate life is murder. Inevitably my students want to discuss viability outside of the womb. I hold them to the characteristics as developed by the experts, explaining the experts (biologists) haven’t included exceptions. A powerful question is “why do you want to end the miracle of uniqueness from the union of a sperm and egg?”

This is just one area relative to the culture of life.

Catholic education is powerful and holy, it needs to be fully funded and supported.
I voted for all but the third party. Unfortnately, that would split the vote and let the Culture of Perversion win.

We need to get the evidence out there. Since the MSM is becomming more irrelevant and would not even allow our message to be heard, the alternative media is probably the best way to get it out there.

We must also thing of forming groups that can do a hostile takeovers (as in buying not violence) of some of the more traditional news outlets (i.e. Newspapers, Television, and Radio).

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