It’s been 30 years now and Abortion (killing of babies) is still the law of the land in America.
Most Americans Contracept even though most forms of Contraception are Abortifacients. Even the Bible tells us Contraception is a serious sin.
There is a huge push to legalize Homosexual Marriage in the U.S. even though the Bible clearly speaks against Homosexual Acts.
There is a push for Embryonic Stem Cell Research & Cloning.
It does not seem to matter if you are Republican or Democrat anymore. Both parties are now supporting the Culture of Death. This week Republican Majority Leader in the Senate now switched his position on Embryonic Stem Cell Research. Sen. Frist now supports killing Human Embryo’s. Even with President Bush’s promise to veto this bill; the change by Frist has many other Senators changing their position now. Therefore, the Senate will now have enough votes to overturn President Bush’s veto.
On the Supreme Court, it seems almost impossible to get a judge on the bench who supports the Culture of Life.
The top presidental candidates for 2008 all support the Culture of Death – Hilary Clinton, Rudy Guliani, McCain and etc.
How Do We Politically Get America Back to Supporting the “Culture of Life”?
Most Americans Contracept even though most forms of Contraception are Abortifacients. Even the Bible tells us Contraception is a serious sin.
There is a huge push to legalize Homosexual Marriage in the U.S. even though the Bible clearly speaks against Homosexual Acts.
There is a push for Embryonic Stem Cell Research & Cloning.
It does not seem to matter if you are Republican or Democrat anymore. Both parties are now supporting the Culture of Death. This week Republican Majority Leader in the Senate now switched his position on Embryonic Stem Cell Research. Sen. Frist now supports killing Human Embryo’s. Even with President Bush’s promise to veto this bill; the change by Frist has many other Senators changing their position now. Therefore, the Senate will now have enough votes to overturn President Bush’s veto.
On the Supreme Court, it seems almost impossible to get a judge on the bench who supports the Culture of Life.
The top presidental candidates for 2008 all support the Culture of Death – Hilary Clinton, Rudy Guliani, McCain and etc.
How Do We Politically Get America Back to Supporting the “Culture of Life”?