Hello, so how do we enter Salvation? I practiced Protestant Christianity for 9 years. They believe through faith alone we receive salvation. What is the Catholic view on salvation? I’ve used the search engine, I looked at 3 threads, no explanation. How do we feel about Romans 10:9 “that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.” A Catholic women recently told me that it’s through how we live our life, being nice to people, showing kindness, etc. what’s the point of confession and repentance if we receive salvation through being nice to people? I also went in to plan my confirmation today, I won’t even be able to receive confirmation through the closest parish to me until February of 2020. I believe the Gospel, I actually acknowledge and repent from my sins, I’ve gone to confession. What happens if I die tomorrow? Do I goto heaven, hell, or purgatory? I asked the Catholic women these same questions, she wasn’t able to answer them. I’m kind of frustrated, after 9 years of practicing Protestant Christianity I feel like it’s false, that’s why I wish to practice Catholicism, my frustration comes from not having any direct answers on Salvation, or the reasons for repenting. So what happens to everyone (primarily Protestant Christians) who just believes in Jesus but don’t repent? I feel like I’m practicing repentance for no reason, that’s where my frustration comes from. Please help me with my questions, thank you