I work in a retail setting and I’ve been thinking about something for a while…We are taught not to lie, but so many people are living lies every day, even if they choose not to believe it…I’ve known a few retail managers over the years and they are very different people once they have retired…Managers are taught not to talk much with the employees and I have even read where some companies actively encourage their managers to treat their employees with disrespect…There are handbooks out there that teach managers how to micromanage their employees to a fault, too…They are taught not to treat people like human beings and often, employees are treated like trash…I’ve dealt with many of these managers over the many years, but I have noticed in recent times that the bullying and intimidation has gotten worse and workplaces that were once great have become places of fear…We are understaffed as it is, and I feel that the managers have put more upon the ones left and many of us are getting older…This is not our first rodeo here, but we are treated like we are children and whatever we do is never good enough…Sure, 99 1/2 won’t do, but this is the working world (where lies are told every day) and not the more important realm of the soul, where our TRUE work lies…I see this across the board in many industries and if we were all willing to admit how dishonest some of our employers are, there would be no employers left to admire…I feel that many of the worst managers out there are protected, even though their bad behavior continues to be promoted, encouraged and given a “pass”…I also feel that if many were censured for their actions, there would be no managers left, which is why the bad ones are kept around…One female manager in particular that I’ve had to deal with recently has done everything by the book and is constantly coming up with new and challenging jobs for us, even if it is only “busywork”…There seems to be a “slave mentality” here and a lot of mind games played, although our last manager was a very kind man…Regarding our new manager, I deal with her the best I can, but sometimes, I feel like the Devil is working against me here…“Get thee behind me Satan” is what Jesus said…And I’ve been meditating on this a lot, too…So many people will not accept bad behavior in their own families, but work for very immoral, corrupt industries that don’t care about the welfare of their employees…I simply want some peace and I’ve been praying for many of these managers and employers to change…My health has not been the best in recent years and I’ve known a few co-workers who passed away at an early age…“What is this kind of “slave mentality” doing to us in regards to our emotional, mental and physical health?” “How are we being affected in the long run?”, I ask myself… If this keeps up, there won’t be many of us around anymore! I’m curious to know how many of you have thought about the REAL realities of the companies you work for, how you deal with the corruptness, cruelty and immorality, and how you find balance in your days between your work life and spiritual life and/or faith that despises evil?