How do we worship God?

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Last Sunday during mass it dawned on me that I don’t understand how I worship God. I’m 53 and a cradle Catholic. I’ve been told that during mass we’re worshiping God but I don’t get it, I don’t feel like I’m worshipping Him. It just doesn’t seem enough to tell Him that I love Him, I’m sorry for my sins, and thank Him for being in my life. I guess I just don’t get the worship concept. How do ya’ll worship?
Last Sunday during mass it dawned on me that I don’t understand how I worship God. I’m 53 and a cradle Catholic. I’ve been told that during mass we’re worshiping God but I don’t get it, I don’t feel like I’m worshipping Him. It just doesn’t seem enough to tell Him that I love Him, I’m sorry for my sins, and thank Him for being in my life. I guess I just don’t get the worship concept. How do ya’ll worship?
I hope this helps, but believe me that you will find few that can grasp & comprehend this truth, especially here among so many “conservatives” that cling to their own lack of faith & distrust of God…

John 4: 23-24 “the hour is coming, and is now here, when true worshipers will worship the Father in Spirit and truth; and indeed the Father seeks such people to worship him. God is Spirit, and those who worship him must worship in Spirit and truth.”

See they post ''Praying In Spirit & Truth by BonnieBj.
You may also want to seek out a Life in the Spirit Seminar.
Dear friend

This is a great and huge question you have asked. All of our life is worship to God, everything we do and say is worship, our lives should be an offering and glory to God, the summit of this worship is the Holy Mass. At Mass Christ Jesus is truly and wholely present in the Eucharist and we offer Christ Jesus to God the Father and in turn we receive Him most initmately into ourselves by the receipt of Holy Communion so that we may become more Christ-like and by our communion go out into our lives and be strengthen to worship and serve God daily in our lives.

Christ Jesus by His death and Ressurection is our eternal offering to God the Father, He stands before the Father pleading with His wounds for us, when the Priest (that being there is only one Priest Christ Jesus and Christ acts through the Priest to effect the consecration) consecrates the Bread and Wine through the action of the Holy Spirit (worshipping in the Spirit and Truth) Christ Jesus is present on the Altar being the Altar and the Sacrifice, He is not re-crucified, we enter into the one and eternal Sacrifice on Calvary and remember, enter into and stand with our Blessed Mother Mary at the foot of His Cross and offer His Sacrifice to God the Father for all humanity.

The offering of the Eucharist( which means thanksgiving), Christ Jesus, is thanking God the Father for the sacrifice of His Son, that God the Father gave His Son because He so loved the world, we also at this time offer ourselves and lift up our hearts, all our belssings and all of our sufferings and trials, thanking God for all. We offer the Eucharist as a perfect offering to God the Father as this is His perfect Son Christ Jesus, no higher prayer is there than the Mass, this is a most beautiful worship to God the Father to present before God His Son Christ Jesus, God the Father has Jesus before Him constantly and effects all blessings to us in by and through Him, it is Him that pleads before the father for us, it is Him whom God the Father looks to us by…‘no-one can come to the Father but by Me.’

The receipt of the Eucharist is to make us more Christ-like, that we should be seen in the Sacred heart of Jesus before the Father, as St Francis said ‘it is in giving that we receive’ We offer our gift of Christ Jesus because He is gifted to us by the Father and in gifting we receive graces and strength in by and through Him to sustain us in faith and to grow in virtue and in Christs image.

And finally we gather together to make this offering as God’s family before Him, the Holy Trinity is family, Our Blessed Virgin Mary and the Communion of Saints is family and we gather to make the perfect offering to God the father as a family, a community of people joined together by His most Holy Eucharist as such we are brothers and sisters, children of God and family in by and through Christ Jesus.

Love is what draws us to do all of this and none of this is alive without love…Love is everything.

We offer all forms of prayer at Mass, we petiton God’s help, we seek forgiveness, we offer praise and glory to god, we offer thanksgiving, we express sorrow and joy. There are many points at Mass where venial sin is absolved (penitential rite, ‘Lord I am not worthy to receive you, but only say the word and I shall be healed’ etc etc)

You do not have to feel anything for this gift to be perfect, , it is THE worship and this worship to God then aids us, it is not a one way street because ultimately God desires to gift to us and it is in loving Him that we return our thanksgiving for such beautiful and sublime gifts.

Your personal prayers (those learnt and those you say from your heart in your own words) and devotions (Rosary, Holy Hour before the Blessed Sacrament, Scapulars, etc etc) are worship, everything in your life is worship (your relationships with other people, your work and your play etc etc) and Mass, the Holy Eucharist is the source and summit of your worship to God

This is a very brief synopsis of the Mass and worship, you may like to ask your priest for more information or you might like to find a book that explains the Mass and Catholic worship.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Read Romans 12 ;1, Therefore, I urge you, brothers in view of Gods mercy, to offer your bodies as the living sacrifices,holy and pleasing to God- this is your spiritual act of worship. [to he Lord]. 👍 God Bless
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