How do you celebrate Sunday as a family?

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I posted this question on the Spirituality forum but got little response. I guess I should have posted it here since it really involves what families do to celebrate Sunday.

Besides attending mass on Sunday, what do you do to celebrate the Lord’s Day?
I notice that in the CCC, we are instructed to sanctify the Lord’s Day. An excerpt from the CCC says: “Sunday is traditionally consecrated by Christian piety to good works and humble service of the sick, the infirm, and the elderly. Christians will also sanctify Sunday by devoting time and care to their families and relatives, often difficult to do on other days of the week. Sunday is a time for reflection, silence, cultivation of the mind, and meditation which furthers the growth of the Christian interior life.”

I am wondering about some of the things you do to celebrate Sunday in addition to going to mass. 👋
I usually get up in the morning and fix the fam breakfast. We go to lunch sometimes as well. Other than that, nuthin.
Once a month, open house family linner (lunch plus dinner). It’s usually Italian, or something that fixes easy on Saturday and reheats well Sunday.

We don’t eat a lot of sweets except on Sunday.

We visit other relatives.

We used to go out to breakfast, but try to avoid that now, as it seems really unfair to have people working on Sunday.
We do restful and peaceful activities after Mass. There are certain things that are absolutely off limits…mowing the lawn…shopping at the store. We rarely eat out on Sunday. Sunday is a day of rest and contemplation.
I try to have a nice Sunday dinner. “Nice” meaning good dishes, tablecloth, eating in dining room, not kitchen. I make a hot dinner, with rolls, veggies and dessert. Everyone has to look nice and we practice good manners, and pass things nicely. The girls help set the table (correctly), and the men lead prayer. We also have Catechism on Sunday nights—I teach and the kids attend. DH might be teaching this year too.
I sleep late, then after Mass we go out to dinner. It’s a family tradition which we started to help encourage the kids to cooperate in church.
Then we do something together such as go to a park, a family fun center, or the beach.
Then I do some housework. I enjoy doing it because I work full time and have so little time during the week. You know you’re overworked when cleaning the kitchen is fun!
We go to church on Sat. evening usually. On Sunday we sleep later (maybe 8 or 9). I fix a big breakfast and we talk and linger longer. We do simple chores, maybe like our gardening because we love it. We try to do something together and that is different every time. We keep it simple and family. No friends are over for the kids.
Sundays are “family days” so we do something that we can do togther. Flea markets are a favorite or the zoo. If the girls are quiet during mass (they’re 4 and 2) they get their favorite cookie from a local bakery we frequent.
On Sundays we have our family meal at lunch instead of dinner. After Mass at 11 we have a big brunch around 1…pancakes, waffles, lots of coffee. Then if it’s pretty out we take a walk together or a bike ride, get ice cream, or even just stretch out in the living room with the Sunday comics and enjoy one another’s company all afternoon. It’s the only day we don’t “rush” to get things done. I.E. my sister and I have all homework done before Sunday and so forth.
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