How do you choose which media to consume and/or creative communities as a Catholic?

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This is a broader question about media creation and/or consumption in general for us as Catholics.

How do you personally deal with the prevalence of ideas that our contrary to our faith both in media output (tv series, books, movies, video games, you tube videos, design, you name it) and amongst media creators (if you are a creator working within communities of other creators to any extent)?

For the most part, I try to be conscious of messaging that contradicts our faith when I encounter it in media, but I do not completely avoid all media that contains such messaging.

Like many of us I’m sure, I am very interested in others’ stories and perspectives and points of view in life. I want to understand a bit better, even (perhaps especially) when I disagree with the viewpoints. For this reason, I do not choose to avoid content automatically because, for instance, it involves or includes LGBT characters (e.g.- Pose), a character choosing to have an abortion (e.g.- Glow), or what I can only describe as a sort of infusion of authoritative atheism (most of the new Doctor Who seasons - though I will say that the parts of the most recent series that I’ve seen seem to show at least a bit more respect for those who “choose” religion-based worldviews…a shift from “religious people are deluded” to “to some people, their religion is very important and that is OK”). But there is a difference between media that focuses on telling these stories and media that actively seeks to undermine or ridicule the notion of faith, religious people (usually Christians) as a group, or Catholicism in particular. The most recent example of this for me was the new Sabrina series on Netflix. Another example is some online content creators that I’ve been following for a while that have become increasingly focused on pro-LGBT (and anti-religious) content and look to be making it a much bigger part of their work in the future.

I’ve found that while I tend to be open to certain media at first, with certain content (the two examples above) there comes a point where the Holy Spirit pulls me away. It can be lonely when fan communities are celebrating over certain content that is contrary to Catholic teachings…but I choose loneliness over rejoicing in wrong-doing every time.

On the creator side, at least from what I’ve experienced, there seems to be an overwhelmingly left-wing, pro-choice, pro-LGBT, etc. mindset within creative communities. It can be challenging to develop connections as well as find support for work that does not support those beliefs. I work in a field that is writing-based and encounter this on a regular basis.

We’re called to be in the world but not a part of it…and, of course, this extends to our media consumption and creative collaborations. Have you found a balance that works for you?
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Before I watch any movie I check the Parental Guide on IMbd to see if there is any nudity. If there is any nudity at all I refuse to watch the movie even if it sounds interesting. If there is extended kissing or other sexual things I also don’t watch. If I really want to see the movie, maybe I’ll stream it later and fast forward during the nudity or walk away during it. But I watch none of that, it’s too much near-occasion and I don’t think it respects women.

I’m 20YO btw. I’ve walked away during lots of movies at college and in my house with my family when the nudity comes, I don’t like it and won’t watch. Not that nudity is sinful, the human body is made in the image of God. But this is basically pornography and isn’t showing the human body in a loving way, it’s showing it in a lustful way.

I also don’t watch shows or movies with excessive pre-marital sex or something very immoral, I don’t watch Big Bang Theory because of this. There’s some things I’ll watch because you can filter out the badness but there are other things I just don’t cross the line. Big fan of Law and Order and SVU.

As for news media, I’m a Political Science major so I’m always up on news. Never watch cable news, it’s bad no matter what station because it’s all for the money and viewership, it’s all bad. Newspapers have more reputability and if the source is anti-Catholic I don’t use it ever. EWTN and National Catholic Register (not Reporter) are good sources. Then there are many great podcasts and YouTube Catholic media like Ascension Presents, Pints with Aquinas…
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Interesting question, I have so many subscriptions I find worthy and credible that I have a hard time keeping up and I don’t feel alone out there, I find many who are agreeable with my viewpoint and I learn so much as well.

Dr Peter Kwasniewski is a writer author on 1Peter5 and Lifesite News, I read up on Regina Magazine, The Imaginative Conservative, New Advent Encyclopedia, and watch like Dr Taylor Marshall on YouTube, so much more, but just to give you an idea. I stay away from Netflix, movies, unless it’s like Roe v. Wade, Death of a Nation, things that are informing and protruth, I should say. I don’t care what anyone else is doing I worry about my conscious, I abhor anti-christian propagation that censors our voice and our rights to freedom of speech. And much more.
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I read and watch things I am interested in from either an artistic perspective (example would be a book by a great author that contains characters who act immorally, but you’re reading it because of the art of the author, not because you approve of immorality) or from a storytelling perspective. If I feel at any time that the work is leading me into sin or is just gratuitously immoral/ otherwise bothers my conscience, I don’t continue to watch or read it.

I don’t concern myself with the morality of most subscription providers or with most corporations in general. if I go to the drugstore to buy myself cold medicine, I am not concerning myself with whether they are also selling condoms or filling prescriptions for the “morning after pill”. Obviously if I went into the drugstore and 50 percent of its store stock was sex toys and porn, I’d probably go find another drugstore, but generally they are not that blatant. Same applies to content providers.
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