my husband and i show love for each other in the small ways. we find it’s remembering and providing the tiny comforts we individually enjoy that makes each of us feel special.
*i have dinner ready shortly after he arrives home
*i turn down his side of the covers before bed
*i send little notes in his lunch
*i let him listen to cheesy Hall & Oates during long car trips (we are only 25 so H&O isn’t exactly our generation)
*i stop whatever i’m doing when he comes home and we cuddle and talk about our day
*i surprise him with rented movies that i find horribly boring but he finds ridiculously entertaining
*i watch Eagles’ games with him and yell things at the tv even when i don’t really know what i’m talking about, because it makes him laugh
*i play endless games of “catch” even though it hurts my arm and back after awhile, but he loves it
*i play kickball with him and the neighborhood kids, so he doesn’t feel silly about being the only “big kid” out there

*i keep track of his reading glasses because he always manages to lose them!!
*i refrain from getting the mail and let him do it, since he was never allowed to as a little kid and for some reason it’s never lost it’s thrill as an adult

*i buy orange juice with tons of pulp in it because that’s what he loves, even though the mere thought of all that pulp makes me slightly sick
*i write notes to him in the shower steam on the mirror
*i pray with him whenever he asks me to, even if i grumble a little bit about it not being our “scheduled time”…which is silly for me to complain about…as who wouldn’t want a husband who wants to pray more!!!
anyway, these are just a few examples…it’s just about finding the little things that make someone feel special and appreciated.