How do you discern god's will

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I’m at a point that I don’t know what to do with myself

I don’t know what God wants of me, I never hear anything him no matter how hard I pray

I don’t know what my vocation is, I don’t have a desire for anything except to be single, but not religious life

I don’t know what my career will be, if any, everything I try seems ot just blow up in my face

and any attempt I make of getting a spiritual director just keeps falling through

now because I don’t know what to do, I always end up doing what others tell me, which is a problem because it might not be what I’m supposed to be doing

pray that I have more patience
I pray for the Holy Ghost to guide me according to His will. I will pray for you to have patience.
Make a list of your interest.
A different list of your strengths.
Do you have a mentor who is blind as well? I believe I sent you the names of many professional s who are blind. You might want to write to them and tell them about yourself. They’ll have wonderful encouragement and perhaps some careers you might not have thought of.
Keep an open mind.
I always thought I’d be an interior designer.
God had other plans for me. 😉
Angell, I’ve observed your postings here for the last couple years or so, and they always tend to be the same thing: I don’t know what God wants of me. This is leading me to wonder how well you actually know yourself. I hope you don’t think that everything in your trajectory of life is going to become suddenly clear in a divinely inspired Eureka moment; God is generally a lot more subtle than that, and we shouldn’t need extraordinary experiences to teach us what we can know through ordinary means.You might want to read this piece about the nature of God’s will by the justly famed Mother Angelica:

The most effective means of discerning God’s will that I’ve found comes from Ignatian spirituality. Here’s a good introduction to that:

Let me know if you have any further questions.
You have many questions. I believe that is how God is revealing to you what he wants you to learn and understand . All your questions reveal to you exactly where you are , yes God has and is speaking to you. He is showing you what you need to see . He wants , and is leading you to ask,seek and then knock and he will open for you. Take that as the work of God ,within you . Let Him meet you where you are. Confused! Be specific with the Lord . Ask Him the questions . That is prayer, as you call Him into the confusion . The Lord is at work within you in a powerful way . He is close to you . Do not be deceived . He is speaking to you and you are listening . He will bring to completion ,in you the work He began in you , through your baptism. You are on the most life giving journey of your life. God will bring you to Himself for His Honor and His Glory, for His namesake . He is our Savior!
Praying to the Holy Spirit to give you guidance & direction in your discernment.
Christ calls us to do THREE things,
  1. Deny ourselves.
  2. Take up our cross daily.
  3. Follow Him. Luke 9:23
On top of that, we know that God
is Merciful, Righteous and Just,
so His will must reflect that
Matt. 23:23; Ps. 7:11
Make a list of your interest.
A different list of your strengths.
Do you have a mentor who is blind as well? I believe I sent you the names of many professional s who are blind. You might want to write to them and tell them about yourself. They’ll have wonderful encouragement and perhaps some careers you might not have thought of.
Keep an open mind.
I always thought I’d be an interior designer.
God had other plans for me. 😉
I guess that’s part of the problem, I’ve sort of supressed all my interests

because I was always told that I need to do what I have to in order to survive and not what I want to do

yes, thank you, I remember that list, though I suppose this is ore general. I guess I don’t really know what even is God’s will, or whether or not I’ve discovered it or not
I guess that’s part of the problem, I’ve sort of supressed all my interests

because I was always told that I need to do what I have to in order to survive and not what I want to do

yes, thank you, I remember that list, though I suppose this is ore general. I guess I don’t really know what even is God’s will, or whether or not I’ve discovered it or not
Have you tried going to confession, followed by prayer and fasting? And I mean real fasting, not just skipping a cookie here or a small meal there. More sacrifice=more merit.

Btw, I’m no spiritual director or anything. I’ve just found this works for me when I do it…
Dear OP

God always hears us, always listens to us, but the answer he gives, we don’t always see right away. He may want stillness for you, he may want you to discern the path for yourself, only God knows. Keep praying, do good things through Him, and in time you will know. You’ll know.

I’ve had answers revealed to me through discernment, but it took time. I mean, months. But then the answer I sought suddenly became very clear and very obvious…

If you feel helpless or impatient, embrace the stillness He is giving, yet see Him in everything around you. Continue to open your heart, and He will give you the answers you seek.

With my prayers
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