How do you evangelize the complacent?

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I have to say, that talking about religion with unbelievers is uncomfortable for me – at least in person. A forum like this is more comfortable, but I imagine that people who come to a site entitled Catholic Answers Forum already have faith in God and a desire for a closer relationship with Jesus and his Church, are predisposed at least to some degree to hearing what the Catholic Church has to say and that many if not most are already faithful, orthodox, practicing Catholics.

Other than leading a good faith-filled life in order to be an example for others – which I don’t dismiss or take lightly – how do you evangelize others at work, at school, through your associations, etc., especially those who don’t really seem to have any urgency or desire for a relationship with Jesus and his Church or anything more than an acknowledgement that God probably exists? Being a good example is great, but we’re talking about more than just good moral and ethical behavior aren’t we? Eventually something must be created from nothing: a desire for God must be conceived within this person. What are some good concrete ways to open such people to the Spirit so that His work of conversion can begin?
One of the very best books about the faith is The Spiritual Life by Adolphe Tanquerey, S.S., D.D., offered by Tan Books. A pertinent section for your topic, which is one I also consider with some puzzlement, is

Chapter II: Nature of the Spiritual Life
Article II: The part of man in the spiritual life
Part I: The fight against spiritual enemies
Against the World
§216:“We shall not, then, venture into the world except to exercise there our zeal either directly or indirectly… Without turning our conversation into a sort of sermon (which would be out of place) we shall judge everything, persons and things, by the light of the Gospel. Thus, instead of proclaiming the rich and the powerful the happy ones of this world, we shall note in all sincerity that there are sources of happiness other than those of wealth and success… But it is chiefly by his own example that a priest is a source of edification in conversation… No one can help admiring those who live according to their convictions…”

So even after encouraging a verbal pattern of offering sincere expression to the point of view of our faith, the book still affirms example to be the primary offering. Recall, also, that for the complacent to utterly change overnight implies a violation of their free will: we can’t expect God to convert the lukewarm out of the blue, as He wishes to respect their free will. There is some comfort in this, as our efforts will often appear to be in vain! But example is everything. This is one of the troubles of today: the news is full of priests who have not lived exemplary lives–it’s hard to get an over-educated hyper-rationalist person to take ideas born of faith seriously, when he hears in the news that a whole seminary had to be closed owing to homosexual activity and pornographic archives (1), or that more victims of abuse have successfully sued, or that whole dioceses are in danger of being shut down (and not before time). But a faith-filled family with good manners and characterized by decorum–a beacon among a wicked generation–is a wonderful sight. Remember that those without faith are ultimately frustrated. They may have their minds focused on consumerism and so on, but ultimately they are unhappy. Our hearts are restless until they rest in God (St. Augustine). That goes for the heathen and pagan and neo-barbarian too. They just don’t realize that they are ontologically restless.
This is always a great topic because the need is so great. There are a number of easy things anyone can do to evangelize.
  1. Be on fire and in love with God, and always make open expressions of gratitude to God for things that happen in your life.
  2. Keep a bible at your desk in a sufficiently conspicuous place so that it will be seen.
  3. Know your scriptures better than everyone else you work with.
  4. When someone else opens the door of discussion never let the opportunity pass. Always thoughtfully and respectfully engage them in a religious discussion.
  5. Always be humble and tell them when you don’t really know the answer or that your answer is incomplete. You can use this as an opportunity to get back to them. This can extend the discussion almost indefinitely.
  6. Always compliment your contacts and mention it when you notice something spiritual within them.
  7. Say a quick prayer before engaging in these opportunities.
  8. Be a good listener at all times regardless of the topic.
  9. Work in all things to build trust.
  10. Thank those who discuss serious matters with you for their (name removed by moderator)ut and for having listened to your thoughts.
a couple things i’d say about this question -

one, the best way i’ve found to create interest in the things of God among those who don’t believe is to become legitimately and seriously interested and excited about your own walk with God. as you become more and more involved, as you find true and real joy in your involvement with your church, it will show. people will become intrigued by your fire. and this fire you can share.

two - as far as the relationships you have with people who aren’t christians - don’t make it all about evangelizing them. if i were you, i would all but FORGET about evangelizing them (don’t take this the wrong way. go with my thought, and then you can correct me when i’m done if you still disagree). i’ve found that people feel like you’re selling something, trying to talk them into something if you are constantly using every single conversation, every single encounter with them to try to talk to them about God. don’t push it. be comfortable with your faith, and when it comes up, share in a friendly and non threateningly manner. but be friends with them just to be friends with them. find common interests. love them. if this draws them into the church, great. if not, perhaps you were only to sow the seeds.

trying to force the issue, or making a conversation suddenly become about God in an artificial way, will only push people away - from you, and from God. be natural. love people. preach the gospel at all times - use words if necessary.

God bless.
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