How do you focus when Praying?

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How do you remain focused when praying? My mind often wanders when praying to other things, like what happened earlier in the day. I will then think “I need to focus”, so I will start to focus again but then my mind gets drawn to the fact that I lose focus when praying a lot. How do I learn to focus?
A friend of mine told me today that he thinks “1,2,3” over and over before he prays in order to calm and clear his mind. It sounds to me like a way of meditation, sort of.
A lot of the time I’ll focus on a picture, or finger a crucifix or a Miraculous Medal.
I have that problem, too. I’ve found that when I pray out loud, I have an easier time concentrating. It’s when I’m praying with my thoughts that I have trouble. Also, when I am praying the Rosary or the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy, I pray very slowly, sometimes taking twenty to thirty seconds between spoken lines, just to be able to let go of whatever it is that keeps drawing my attention, and so that I can give full thought to the words that I am speaking.
As I mentioned in another thread, I often write in a prayer journal. Putting my prayers on paper sometimes makes it easier for me to concentrate. There are still those times that no words are right, but as far as not losing focus, that’s a good way for me.
I’ve had a hard time with focusing too. I have found that if I picture something in my head to represent (to me) a conversation with God, that I don’t have that problem. If I’m looking at it as a conversation with Him, it’s easy to continue the conversation. But, if I’m just praying, and I look at it as one-way communication, it is a lot harder.
Meditation helps. Before I start to pray I spend 10 to 15 minutes clearing my mind of all the junk that is in there. The aim is to make it a perfect blank, receptive to God. It is possible to empty your mind of all thoughts, this helps you to concentrate tremendously when you actually start praying. there is that much more intensity and concentration.
Dear friends

I don’t think it matters if people get distracted during prayer. Imagine when you are talking to one of your friends, you don’t stare at them and totally focus on them not noticing your surroundings and as they are speaking you think of all sorts of things, however this does not impede your conversations with your friends, nor should it impede your conversations with God, your greatest friend, who knows all about you, your motives and your intentions.

I think to relax and simply place yourself, as you are, in God’s Presence and simply talk to Him in an easy manner will bring about a focus that is natural and when practised over and over again will naturally lead to a more focused conversation with God.

The only time distraction is ever a problem is if it leads to abandonment of prayer, feeling it is all hopeless and no point even trying to pray. If that is the case, try not saying anything at all and let your mind go where it will (without sinning of course!) and just sit in the Presence of God and listen.

It really doesn’t matter if your mind wanders, the Holy Spirit prays within you and aids your prayer. Be sincere in your intentions and no matter if your mind wanders a little during the course of your conversations with God.

To dwell on focusing is not the point nor act of prayer. Moreover to turn the heart, mind and spirit lovingly to God frequently thorughout the day is the most beautiful prayer; frequent rememberance of Him in love and trust.

Don’t worry about focusing, it’ll drive you crazy in the end and ruin your experience of conversation with God. The focus of your prayer becoming how 'focused ’ you are on God and continually assessing your focusing and either being satisfied or discouraged. This is not what prayer is, this is an assessment of prayer, God does not ‘assess’ the prayer as it is always a** perfect prayer** as the Holy Spirit aids and lifts the prayer to Heaven and whatever you utter is most beautiful in by and through the Holy Spirit.

Please forget focusing and just continue as you are in frequent conversation with God without assessing the quality of it…there is no such thing as ‘quality’ of prayer as all prayer is beautiful, as I have said.

The simplest movements of heart, mind and spirit to God are always a ‘perfect prayer’ whether you are distracted or not…this is why prayer is not a human action, but one of God and in, by and through God as gifted to us, we pray. So you see we cannot assess the quality of prayer, it is God the Holy Spirit that raises the pray from within us and makes up for where we are lacking (and we are always lacking), it’s always perfect!

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Wow, focusing during prayer seems to be a challenge for lots of people! springbreeze, thanks for your post.
When I pray the rosary, I love to think of people to pray for. It’s not hard. I think of family members who aren’t yet in the Church (some aren’t even believers yet), people I’m tempted to be angry at because they hurt my feelings, my family, my friends, people my friends have asked me to pray for, an end to contraception and abortion, and more.
I second the prayer journal idea. I keep a journal and pen on the bathroom counter (being pregnant, I’m in the bathroom a lot) so I have the option of reading a great religious book or talking to God, Mary and the rest of the saints up there.

my Mother my Confidence,
I was just going to say something along those lines, too, Springbreeze, but you have said it so much better!👍

We can’t realistically hope to pray without distraction unless God grants us a rather special grace (for advanced pray-ers!), so we just do what we can without getting too hung up about it. God knows the way our minds operate - He made us this way! As long as we actually want to be close to Him in prayer, our prayer is pleasing to Him.
Our past priest used to say that if you are distracted during prayer, you might be being called to pray about the thing that is distracting you.

In Him,
Our past priest used to say that if you are distracted during prayer, you might be being called to pray about the thing that is distracting you.

In Him,
Your past priest sounds really wise. I’ll try that.

my Mother my Confidence,
Springbreeze - Teresa - What a beautiful post! You expressed exactly what I was thinking!

And also I agree with the “…you might be being called to pray about the thing that is distracting you.”

Does anyone suppose that our focus on doing it right is a way for the devil to get us to not do it at all?? I think that’s true for me - so I just keep on praying, no matter what!

…probably closing your eyes helps, because you are less concerned with who is wearing blue jeans, or who’s holding hands during the “Our Father”, or who’s holding their hands in the “orans” position, or who’s looking at who just so…

…the down side, when father is trying to get your attention because he needs help with communion, and you don’t see him waving at you, then you open your eyes wondering what the laughter is about, or your wife gives you a shot to the ribs, thinking you have gone to sleep…

second thought, …keep your eyes open…👍
Spring Breeze-

You said it very eloquently. I agree with what you posted. I also think something that helps is the more you think about God in the little things throughout your day, and have him in your thoughts in all that you do- the easier it is to completely focus on him during prayer time.
Wow, these are some really awesome tips. I also have trouble focusing on prayer, and I was glad to run across this thread!!
This is why I almost always hold my rosary, even when I’m not praying the rosary…The beads slipping through my fingers gives me that much more focused attention somehow…
I also agree that a journal helps. I learned from a close friend to write down the things/people/situations that I want to pray for, & have them right there in front of me. (She is one of those people that can focus w/o any trouble–I think its a gift!)
I guess what I am saying is to engage as many senses as possible in your prayers. Each one is one less source of distraction.
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